Mario Frera

Vaguely inspired to the real story of boss of the Camorra's bosses Raffaele Cutolo, this is the story of the criminal career of "Il professore" (the professor). He is in prison, and by there he is able to build, step by step, an empire founded on murders and drugs. He starts a war to destroy all the old Camorra bosses and becoming the new "boss of the bosses". With his sister's help he manages to evade from prison and escape in New York. Here he starts immediately a new relationship with "Cosa Nostra" (Italian American Mafia). He is going to seat on the peak of the most powerful criminal organization, and the Italian authorities are almost impotent.


A low-rent private investigator and former cop is sent to Austria on a job, and while there sees a number of seemingly unrelated coincidences that lead him into a strange web of corruption and decadence.


Michele Placido plays Antonio, an Italian immigrant in New York who finds himself drawn into the Mob when his options are limited and his desire to make a new life for himself becomes increasingly difficult.


Set in medieval times, it tells of the efforts of the Mayor of a small town who, in order to boost up trade and tourism sets about, with the help of his counselors, to teach the town's women the arts of seduction.


Italy 1973. Giuseppe Tritoni (Ugo Tognazzi) is an ultra-right-wing congressman that doesn't agree anymore with his fascist party policy. He contacts many Italian Army officers and built a net of relationship in order to organize a Coup d'Etat (Golpe). Something goes wrong and the Interior Minister (Home Secretary) Mr. Li Masi (Lino Pugliesi) got the all information about the attempted Golpe. So the Minister organizes a counter-Golpe. Tritoni desperately, to save his project, kidnaps the Italian Republic President (Claude Dauphin) that immediately dies for heartache. Now Minister Mr. Li Masi is free to lay down the law to the rest of the country, realizing basically the actual Golpe! Tritoni surrenders and will spend rest of his time trying to sell his ideas about managing Golpe in Africa!


Series of tales. The framing story: a group of women are doing their laundry and begin to tell lusty tales.


Alfredo, a timid young Italian, lusts after and woos the beautiful Maria Rosa. But when he manages to marry her, he discovers life is not nearly so blissful as he expected.


Two young friends - one poet, the other a sculptor - have fun conquering the wives of others.


Two traffic policemen help capture a dangerous robber after unwittingly contributing to his making off with the loot.


Nefarious villain Goldginger(Fernando Rey) is thwarted by bumbling secret agents Franco(Franco Franchi) and Ciccio(Ciccio Ingrassia) in his scheme to spark an international war by zombifying all government employees in this Italian spoof of the James Bond movies.


In the first episode, Quirino tries to conquer co-worker Gabriella. In the second episode, Prof. Beozi tries to avoid a scandal. In the third episode, Guglielmo passes all tests in order to become reader of the television news brilliantly, although the commission works with all subtleness's to exclude him.


The myths of the sixties are satirized in 20 episodes.


Two industry managers from Milan are in Rome to get the contract to build a YMCA hostel. They get in touch with a masseuses ring and one of the masseuses is introduced to the president of the catholic association as the wife of one of the managers. During a vice squad roundup, the president is about to be discovered with one of the girls when he dies of a stroke. How will the others try to hide his death?


Lemmy Caution has been assigned by Interpol to work as a double agent. Little does he know how many spies are on to this deception and how dangerous his assignment has become.


An unemployed man gets a job as traffic policeman but the traffic in the big city creates innumerous problems for the poor guy.


Italy, 1916. Oreste Jacovacci and Giovanni Busacca are called, as all the Italian youths, to serve the army in the WWI. They both try in every way to avoid serving the army.


A combination of a satire on war and a comedy with war as the background. It tells of the ordinary people living on a Naples sidestreet, from 1940 to 1950 under the dominance of the Fascists, the Nazis and then the Allies occupation forces. Primary among the citizens is Gennaro Iovine (Eduard De Filippo)who has a penchant for innocently getting into trouble, and his friend Pasquale (Toto.) The latter is a rail-sweeper who becomes a professional stand-in...a corpse used to conceal contraband...serving jail time for those who don't care to spend the time to do the time...a substitute at a political rally when violence threatens the scheduled speaker
