Mario García 'Harapos'

Child-in-adult-body tries to play Detective, but he's too stupid, and his lucha-libre friends have to cover his ass every time he fouls a case up or gets thrown in jail. Meanwhile, there's a rogue Bank President who has a teleportation machine that he's using to make unauthorized withdrawals from rival banks, and...


The Boxer Germán Bronco Torres loses his license, and works as bouncer at the cabaret El Pirulí, where he falls for the fichera Carmen, and befriends of the pimp Margarito Fuensanta El Vaselinas, who lost a bet and has to pay to a gangsters. For 500 pesos for El Vaselinas, Bronco prepares a trap in the cabaret to the taxi driver Raul, to seduce his girlfriend, not knowing that the victim is his own sister Lupita.


The movie plot revolves around a burlesque theater called "Tivoli", located in downtown Mexico city. The Tivoli is about to be demolished by the corrupt major of Mexico city, and the artists struggle to try to save their workplace. Throughout the movie we see a strong critique towards the Mexican political system of the time, where corrupt politicians run everything like a fiefdom, and live with double standards. While they publicly criticize the Tivoli as obscene and indecent, many of them are regular customers and they even "hire" the artists to do private functions in their mansions.


Class distinctions are an obstacle for a guy trying to woo his gal of choice.


She rejects him, but he's there for her, even after she gets married and then is abandoned by her babydaddy. Remake of Bajo El Cielo De Mexico (1958) (and also 1937?).


A group of Soccer-loving friends devise a plan to make easy money.


Debauched playboy has a hypochondriac streak and an unscrupulous doctor that profits from it.


It didn't really have a plot, but things happened: bumbling bozo raises a lion cub in his apartment, bumbling bozo gets a lion's heart transplantedd into him, bumbling bozo gets mixed up with criminals.


Upon hearing the news of Madero's death, Porfirio Alcalá and his four cousins interrupt their peaceful lives as farmers to again join the Mexican Revolution.


Despondent teenagers fall into the clutches of a cult leader who's all about the insurance money.


Bumbling oaf takes custody of his god-daughter and helps her advance her singing career.


Escalating tensions within a frontier town besieged by outlaws.

A woman has several lovers, her husband discovers her with one of them, and both men are mistaken for robbers.


Calpuina is a night-watchman in a wharehouse, a perfect job for him. When some thieves break in and steal some crates, El Santo is after them because they are using the wharehouse for diamond smuggling. Capulina hinders their capture. Then he decides that he will put on a wrestler's mask and help El Santo to caputre the crooks.


Four cowboy-heros named Juan (from their respective franchises) team up to do hero stuff. Juan sin miedo, Juan Charrasqueado, Juan Pistolas and... um... Gabino Barrera? I forget. Oh, Juan Colorado, that's it.


Bumbling "comedians" klutz around with a fake spiritualist-medium and a bunch of pro wrestlers.


Quick-draw dude helps to protect a woman and her pa from predatory land-grabbing land-grabbers when they discover a silver mine on their ranch.

Moving company bozos are left holding the bag when bad guys hire them to transport a corpse.


An heiress and some friends pose as gypsies to fight back against some bad-hats who are squatting on her new estate.

Dancing fanatic weasels his way into Perez Prado's entourage as a personal assistant.


Capulina chip and are transported back to prehistoric times with a time machine. There they live crazy adventures.


A deaf and mute vagabond finds a large denomination bill in a Mexico City dump, and while he tries to buy something with it, others try to con him into giving it away. The film was selected as the Mexican entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 36th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.


Western comedy: two medicine-show guys vs. badhats.


The Argumedo cousins have their clothes stolen while taking a shower, and they must find it at all costs, because there's a winning lottery ticket in their pockets.


Priest puppet-masters the lives of some parishioners, his goal being to make sure the two most eligible young ladies in town marry his scapegrace nephews.

Developmentally-challenged guy and is caretaker get drafted into he police force and take part in the manhunt for a bank robber.


Two feuding families are affecting the quality of life in a small town. The Church wants to intervene, but the local Priest is sorta helpless, so he brings in a younger, more aggressive, gitterdone Priest to attack the problem.

Three murder-mystery fans team up to play detective together; they catch some thieves at the workplace of one of them, then get caught up in an old-dark-house situation...

Two bandits hide from the law by posing as doctor's in a small town without medical care.


Border town is overrun with wastrels and scofflaws, so the City Council decides to hire a notorious gunslinger to help them clean up their streets.

Nightclub owners cash in on new musical fad.

The police plan to capture a killer by using a double that looks exactly as one of his victims.


In a music hall has committed a murder, the police will also find the murderer.


Son of a first family returns to his home town, reconciles with his pops, pitches woo at the young lady from another First Family and gets rampy with his rival for her affections.

A sequel to "Un rincón cerca del cielo". Pedro Gonzalez first gets into trouble as part of a criminal gang and then works honourably to become rich. Money is his undoing allowing him to become a womanizer and drinker, almost losing his wife. Finally he rejoins her, they have a son and he pays for his mistakes.


The Trevino family tries to overcome the irresponsible behavior of Don Cruz, an erratic father with numerous defects that contrast with his son Silvano, a young kid man that is incapable of passing judgment on his own father.
