Mario Saint-Amand

Sarah and Gabriel go over to a chalet to give their couple a second chance, but the host as other plans for them.

Born into a modest family, Gerry Boulet found fame with the Québec rock group Offenbach. After a life of drug and alcohol abuse and a great love story, Gerry died of cancer in 1990.


A working-class family fights a greedy developer for control of their neighborhood.


A woman seeks revenge over false accusations of murder.


Véronique ne cache rien en amour. Mathieu est simplement un brin fatigué. Fred peuts'adapter à tous les genres de femmes. Rémi doit trouver ce qui l’allume dans la vie.Ce n'est que dans de brefs instants de lucidité que l'on parvient à voir le monde telqu'il est.
