Marion Segal

A scientist in the rain forest squares off against a land developer while trying to solve some unexplained deaths.


Scuba-diver turned beach-bum Jonathan Slade is forced back into his previous milieu - the world of international espionage - in order to retrieve Black Boxes from an American jetliner that crashed under mysterious circumstances into the Black Sea. With his computer-hacker younger brother, Slade travels to a resort on the Russian-Turkish border to begin his quest. To his surprise and dismay, he's now joined by another secret agent, a beautiful but highly-skilled woman named Alex. As they begin diving in search of the downed jetliner, Slade and Alex begin to suspect they're being manipulated by higher-ups who may not be committed to American interests.


A middle-aged married wealthy white corporate executive is surprised to discover that he has a working-class black teen-age son who wants to be adopted into the almost-exclusively-white upper-middle-class community of San Marino, California.


An RCMP officer is ordered to discreetly take a Russian immigrant into custody in advance of a state visit by the Soviet premier. When the prisoner is kidnapped, the officer is drawn into a complicated assassination scheme.
