Marisa Orth

A couple of tough girls from the Brazilian countryside race their pickup truck to win a bet and prove that they're better than the boys.

Based on the classic Brazilian television series that conquered audiences during Sunday night prime time on TV Globo, with improv that happens like in scenes of a play. The feature film’s structure maintains the members of a middle-class family from São Paulo, their maid, and the building’s doorman. It’s the return of iconic characters like Caco Antibes, Magda and Ribamar, and also new characters.


After 20 years of marriage, Ana Lúcia and her husband Fábio decide to get a divorce. Fábio, however, decides to move to an apartment across the street, in front of the window of his former apartment - where Lúcia still lives. Both will have to learn how to deal with job crisis, problems with their daughter and this whole new situation.


Eduardo Borges (Bruno Gagliasso), or Edu, is a young man above all suspicion: handsome, smart, and sensitive. However, his perfect man appearance is simply a mask that covers up his fearsome personality: a dangerous psychopath behind a number of crimes that have caught the police’s attention. A cold, conniving, and callous criminal; a serial killer who kills purely out of pleasure.


In São Paulo, Brazil, the lonely 40-something guitar teacher Baby lives a tedious life in a low middle-class apartment. She is addicted to her only companions: cigarettes. Baby has a constant conflict with her two sisters, over a couch she inherited from their deceased aunt. When Max, a restaurant musician, moves to the next door apartment, Baby has a crush on him and sees a chance to have a life again. Soon they start having a love affair, and Baby decides to quit smoking. However, her abstinence will be tough to deal with, when she notices Max still misses his ex-wife.


Free adaptation of Romeo and Juliet translated to the harsh life in Favela da Maré, one of largest and most violent slums in Rio de Janeiro. Living in a slum divided between two rival gangs of drug traffickers, Analídia is the daughter of one of the gangs' leaders and Jonathan is a childhood friend of the other gang leader. Both study in a dance group situated exactly in the middle of the two territories, looking for solace in art.


Brazilian comedy about two couples living next to each other in the same building. This show explores the antics between the two couples.


Laura and Alan fall in love, but have to deal with the strange death of Alan's wife and with a rival, Lilith, who wants to break their relationship. At the same time, a narrator gives lessons on how to make a love story movie, exposing all clichés on that kind of film.


Moira, Anete and Caio are employees of a public office who do nothing in the office, which has lost some government attention over the years. Until a new boss arrives, Tales, with his intern Leda, and makes the old employees suffer with new and many jobs to do.


The film shows the day when Rui and Vani first met. It was at their wedding (with other partners). Vani was going to marry Sérgio, and Rui would marry Marta in the same church, following Vani's marriage. While waiting for the ceremony, they begin to talk. Complications ensue.


Durval and his mother Carmita live at the back of "Durval Discos", a record store they own in São Paulo, specializing in vinyl records. They lead a boring and unattractive life, until the day Durval hires a maid, Celia, to help his mother with the housekeeping. However, on her second day, Celia goes away leaving a 5-year-old child behind, Kiki, and a note promising to be back in a couple of days. Durval and Celia are charmed by the child at first, but soon they see some sad news about Celia and Kiki on TV that will change the whole situation.


A fireman encounters more than he bargained for when rescuing a fiery temptress. Almas Em Chamas is a hot love story, told through boldly drawn characters.


A famous actor believes he has totally mastered his craft. A young and talented actress is open to new challenges. They meet, and confront each other; on, and off the stage. From his personal and artistic lethargy, he sees the possibilities of a new beginning, new opportunities, after starting to see her. The story unravels, as the title states, "behind the curtain."


Tribute to the world of soccer in Brazil. Group of ex-soccer players gather in a bar in São Paulo to remember old stories of their prime.


A journalist is placed upon the management of a large broadcasting company to the capital of Brazil at the time of local elections. She must now face ideological and ethical questions, brought back by a left-wing former boyfriend and her own colleagues. At the same time, a free-lancer spy is sent by an obscure figure in politics to manipulate the elections and its media coverage.


Sai de Baixo is a Brazilian sitcom that first aired on Rede Globo. It followed the lives of the members of a dysfunctional family, their maid and the doorman of the apartment building in which they lived. It ran for 7 seasons, from 1996 to 2002, on Sunday nights after the newsmagazine Fantastico. That means that it always aired after 10 o'clock p.m., which was necessary given the show's heavy language and sexual innuendos. In 2000, however, the premiere of a new reality show shifted the program to the 11:30 p.m. slot, which lasted for about four months. After that the timeslot varied almost monthly, which started to hurt ratings. At one time, the show was airing around 12:30 a.m., which is considered the beginning of the "wasteland" of late night programming in Brazilian television, with fewer viewers and, therefore, fewer sponsors. The show was hailed as a "breath of fresh air" in Brazilian TV comedy, given its innovative format and funny, smart stories. It was also considered the "lifeline" of Sunday night programming in Brazilian network television. This status did not last until the very end though. The show is considered to have jumped the shark around its 5th season, and was supposedly kept on the air only because Globo TV had nothing to replace it with. Towards the end, ratings had plummeted and the show had slid to what was called a "vulgar version" of its original, groundbreaking style.


A comedy based on a true story about singer Raul Seixas.

The life of aspiring writer Daniel O'Neil, who gets into trouble when his rich girlfriend leaves him.


A poor woman is visited by the fairy godmother who turns her into a brilliant movie and TV star.


A cinematographic poem made of a long travelling by fifteen characters, in search of an asynchronous marriage with sound.