Marisol Calero

In 2018, a year after the landfall of Hurricane María, a young mother named Paola attempts to find herself as she wrestles with her responsibilities to her daughter and incarcerated husband.


Adaptation from Enrique A. Laguerre's novel "La llamarada". It depicts the struggles of Puerto Rican peons in the sugar cane fields during the 1930's.

Based on the life of actress Rosaura Andreu.

Adalberto's life turns upside down when his daughter Sylvia announces she's getting married.

Ángel Rebelde is a 2003 Miami, Florida-based telenovela produced by Fonovideo Productions which aired first on Venevisión in Venezuela. Mexican actors Grettel Valdez and Victor Noriega star as the main ptoragonists while Maritza Rodríguez and Ismael La Rosa star as the main antagonists. The telenovela aired on Univision from February 2 to December 6, 2004. It recently aired on Venevisión Plus in 2012.


The daily life of a couple in a coastal town in Puerto Rico changes upon the arrival of an old friend whom they believed had perished in Vietnam. At the same time, a writer moves into the town and upsets everyone’s routine.


A festive, tropical Christmas in Puerto Rico is what Jennifer and Papotico are most looking forward to. Both young people are filled with musical talent, with dreams and hopes for the future. But their innocence, zeal for life, and special friendship are overshadowed by the social and economic issues of Puerto Rico. Full of powerful performances and based on a true story, “Bala Perdida” will leave a chilling feeling in your bones.


A lawyer is asked to come to the police station to clear up a few loose ends in his witness report of a foul murder. "This will only take ten minutes", they say, but it turns out to be one loose end after another, and the ten minutes he is away from his speech become longer and longer.


Some time after Hurricane Maria devastated the island of Puerto Rico, three families intersect at a special dog sanctuary and form a bond that will change their lives, their priorities, and their dreams forever.