Mariusz Gorczyński

The 1930s. An investigetion after founding a dead body on the street of Cracow.

Polish musical comedy. The film focuses on two friends who spend their vacation in the beautiful countryside of Mazury. They buy a very nice car (Syrenka), but in order to pay for it the men need to start working as solicitors for a notable art impresario named Koszajtis. Soon they get thrown right in the middle of a hilarious war between two rivaling music-and-dance groups.


Westerplatte is a small peninsula at the entry to the Gdansk Harbour. Before World War II, it functioned as a Polish ammunition depot in the Free City of Danzig/Gdansk. Its crew consisted of one infantry company and a group of civilians, 182 people in total. It was the only Polish guard-post at the mouth of the Vistula River, with as little as five sentries, one field cannon, two anti-armour guns and four mortars. It was the first obstacle to Hitler's predatory march across Europe. The first shots of World War II were fired here. This film tells the story of Westerplatte's courageous defenders.


A group of young Lódz hoodlums spends their time shoplifting, partying and drinking heavily, until they are faced with serious consequences of their reckless behaviour.
