Mariya Muat

A complicated love story against the background of the Russian winter.

The tale of the Snow Maiden is well-known, as are its numerous traditional arrangements. However, this version is somewhat different, as is the play by A.N. Ostrovsky, which served as the basis for the film.

A new version of Marshak's fairy tale about a mouse who didn't want to go to bed.

The little girl Lucy lived in Paris at the beginning of the XX century. Once in a dream she met the famous Russian writer Ivan Andreevich Krylov. Inspired by this meeting, Lucy tries to explain to Ivan Andreevich how he should "correctly" rewrite his fables.

From the series "Russian classics - for children". Based on the story of Alexey Tolstoy. The story of how the boy Nikita found a starling that fell out of the nest and made friends with him.

The events of the comedy take place in the country of Illyria, which for the English of Shakespeare's time was fabulous. The young Countess Olivia is loved by Orsino, Duke of Illyria. But the Countess is in mourning for her brother and refuses to receive the Duke's messengers.

Lida Karyakina is 15 years old. At school, she has constant conflicts, not everything is alright at home. The girl decides to leave school and go to work. Having worked in different places, Lida understands that her vocation is to raise children...


The action takes place in Sweden at the beginning of the 20th century. Rasmus is a boy who lives in a shelter. Not content to stay under the strict discipline of the orphanage, he escapesand joins a tramp, nicknamed "Oscar Tumbleweed. They begin to travel the country together, but Oscar is constantly trying to find parents for the boy. Rasmus harassing Oscar, does not want to leave him. During their journeys they are able to solve a crime and recover the valuable painting of missis Frou Hetbert. Summer ends, and it's time to look for a place to spend the winter. Oscar and Rasmus arrive at the farm of a good hostess, Martina...


Schoolboy Vasya and his little sister Klasha live on the shore of a picturesque lake, in which trout are bred. With the help of their friends, the dogs of the Quiver and the horse Strelka, the guys detain the poachers.
