Mariya Vinogradova

The protagonist is a teenager who inherited from his grandfather and grandmother a love of land, home, and all life that surrounds him. After his sudden disappearance, mysterious events begin to occur, which only a 12-year-old girl can penetrate into the secret.

Master is a talented writer in Moscow working on a manuscript about the biblical Jesus and Pontius Pilate. Authorities in Moscow are harassing Master by surveillance and intimidation. Victimized by their harassment, Master throws his manuscript into the fire, before he is locked up in a mental clinic. His assistant and Muse Margarita tries to help Master using the supernatural powers she got from the devil - Woland who is visiting Moscow..


Set in a small Ukrainian village during the outbreak of war with Germany in 1941 Private Chonkin, not overly endowed with intelligence, is left to guard a downed military aircraft. The authorities appear to have forgotten about him so this leaves him free to work his chams on the village postmistress, Njura, untill the local militia are tipped off.


A middle-aged, alcoholic lawyer inherits a mysterious, unsigned will from his father.


From the American psychiatric hospital run by two maniac, confident that he was a spy, and a transsexual. Very soon they will want to return to their native madhouse — but it will be too late. Because the third psycho sent them on a secret mission to Russia. Yes, even in a balloon.


In Soviet Union young Misha is dreaming to see USA, but it seems highly unlikely...


Group of Cossacks are coming to Moscow to buy an ox. Moscow turns out to be a devilish hole crowded with witches. Some local witch seduces one of the Cossacks, Kolka Smagin and robs him of his eyes, giving him alien blue ones instead. Now Kolka and his uncle Zarubin are ready to start World War III in order to get the eyes back. The quest begins.


In an abandoned apartment there are former spouses. Barricaded, the husband, thus, trying to escape from the criminals who hunt for compromising photos. But the ex-wife is there not by chance — she is the mistress of one of the kidnappers. But with an unusual date, the former feelings take over, the lovers decide to deceive the bandits and go on the run.


A crime drama about Victoria - a young detective who finds that her first love is actually a criminal.


A night become real "fun" for a family with the visit from very strange person.


In the new Russia, former middle class citizens find themselves out in the dumps. Literally. They build homes, elect their own government, work, beg, scavenge, date and fight all while living in a huge city dump. Some try to beat the odds and return to society, but it seems that there is only one place left for them to go...


A parable in the manner of a tragedian based on the play by A. Volodin "On the tribes of the Bison and Scorpions, who lived many thousands of years ago on a small island." The events that the film tells about take place in ancient times, in the Stone Age. In the forest, where a large tribe lives, two shots in the back killed one of the clan, nicknamed Long. His widow demands that the killer become her husband. The head of the clan is trying to find out who the killer is.


The action takes place in Leningrad n the time of "perestroika" during the 1980's. Tatyana is a beautiful Russian nurse who is underpaid at her hospital job, so she becomes a prostitute catering to international tourists. She becomes well paid in dollars, and helps her ailing mother survive. Tatyana's international clients tell her about the life in other countries, so she accepts a marriage in order to escape from the grim Soviet reality. Even though she is married to a decent man abroad, she still suffers being labeled an ex-Soviet prostitute, and her new life is full of new troubles.


A teenage girl nicknamed Avariya - "Crash" - is a rebel child that just can't get along with her family members that try to persuade her to behave normally - that is as other people do. But when Avariya gets gang-raped, his father (who is a cop) breaks all the rules and goes out for revenge.


At the center of it is the fate of young women in the war and in the harsh post-war times, when witch-hunting of "enemies of the people" was a common occurrence. The brutal war is mutilating both the girls' bodies and their souls. Location: military hospital. It is just a backdrop to which the character rattles, the intrigue, the human relationships. The pathos of the tape conveys the idea that a woman is and remains a woman in all circumstances and situations. During the tumultuous years of war, they were also overwhelmed by true love, mutual understanding, trust and tenderness.

Two young boys are trying to prevent a massive antiquities theft.


About the last day of freedom of the deputy of the Moscow Soviet and the director of the central board.

Laughter and Grief by the White Sea is a 1987 Soviet traditionally animated feature film directed by Leonid Nosyrev made at the Soyuzmultfilm studio. The film is a celebration of the culture of the Russian Pomors who live around the White Sea.


Two men are united around a six years old daughter whose mother recently died.


A crew of builders in charge of demolition of old buildings in Moscow find hidden treasure inside one of the houses scheduled for demolition. The plot evolves around their attempts to bypass the Soviet authorities and cash the gold.


A young scientist is sent to the deep countryside immediately after his university graduation...


A young boy suddenly finds a magic bolt which makes him incredibly brave.


Adventures of young Vasilyok who is going to the pre-school for a first time in his life.


Tale - this is what is everyone from childhood. Give yourself a chance to once again return to the magical world created by Alexander Pushkin. Adventures brave Tsarevich Guidon, beautiful Swan-Tsar Saltan reminded of that love, loyalty and the spirit always wins!


A third movie about Fyodor and his friends from the Prostokvashino village and their adventures - this time during the winter.


During the Second World War a big plant in Urals region gets an order from the State Defence Committee: to double the output of the tanks T-34 within 24 hours. All physical and emotional strength of all plant workers needs to be exerted to fulfill the plan. The workers labor heroism is revealed through the story of a hereditary worker's family. His shoulders are burdened not only with a physical job, but also with responsibility for his younger son, who runs to the front without permission, not understanding that his battle-front is right here, on the plant.


Victor Grach and Leonid Osadchy are dangerous criminals. Considering himself a strong and independent person, who is allowed everything, Victor wants to see his younger brother Shurka as well. And he, obeying the authority of Victor, becomes an involuntary participant in serious crimes and, in the end, is in the dock. A sentence is not passed for a long time, because it is important for a judge to understand the degree of guilt of each of the brothers, to get to the bottom of the truth, to find out what turned ordinary guys into robbers and killers.


The plot is based on the creation of a folk dance ensemble in the Palace of culture.

A teenage girl considered by everybody as "difficult" is sent to the village to live with her grandfather.


Anna Pozdnyakova is already over 30 years old and, despite the fact that she is kind and pretty, she cannot find herself a man with whom she could find family happiness. Already it seems like a suitable candidate in the person of a prominent military man, Viktor, has taken a liking, but at first sight he falls in love with Anna's friend Raisa and marries her. Then Anya takes out a vacation at her own expense and goes south to Sochi.


A young boy is experiencing a lot of problems in his life. But he also have one real friend.


Two little girls - Maria and Mirabella - go to the woods for a walk and encounter several magical characters, among them a frog with his feet frozen in ice, a fireworm whose shoes keep catching fire, and a butterfly who's afraid of flying. To help their new friends, the girls must carry them to a sorceress who lives deep in the forest.


Late autumn on the southern coast of Crimea. Cold sea. A colorful crowd gathered in one of the boarding houses, forced to invent entertainment for themselves ... In this situation of endless conversations about health and its absence, retellings of domestic dramas and obligatory resort flirting, the love of two middle-aged people Nadezhda Andreyevna and Alexey Sergeyevich is born.


The continuation of the adventures of Fyodor and his friends from the Prostokvashino village.


Soviet cartoon, created in 1979 by the director-animator Leonid Nosyrev. Later, he entered the cartoon almanac "Laughter and Grief at The White Sea" with other Nosyrev's films based on Pomor fairy tales and legends.


A comedy about a civil registry official whose job is to register newlyweds and who just discovered that her husband has been cheating on her for 3 months, her daughter met a guy she doesn't approve of, and her life has suddenly become a fuss of the fusses.


A young arctic fox Napoleon III, having escaped from animal farm, ended up in the village of Kovylkino. Following him, hunters, trappers, animal farm workers, a police detachment and correspondents came into the village. Thanks to the six-year-old preschooler Serpokrylov, everything ended well, and the people who took part in the pursuit of the young arctic fox returned to their business, having managed to tell about their dreams and about themselves.


Little Fedor brings a cat to home despite his mother's distaste for cats. He runs away with his talking cat, to make more friends on the way.


It is a New Year's fairy tale about Ded Moroz who hastened with the gifts for children's holiday, and about the Wolf who tried to prevent him to do it.


A story about the boys and their life during the WWII. Based on Lev Kassil book.


The action takes place during the Great Patriotic War. Peasant Matryona Bystrova loses her husband at the front, then her eldest son goes missing. Matryona decides to save the youngest son at all costs and shelters him from being drafted into the army in the attic of the house until the end of the war. But it turns out that saving her son, she condemns him to spiritual death, and herself to torment of conscience. A private story about the mother of a deserter grows to epic proportions...


Anatoli Yefremovich Novoseltsev works in a statistics institution, whose director is an unattractive and bossy woman. An old friend of his, Yuri Grigorievich Samokhvalov, who gets appointed assistant director of the institution, wants to make Novoseltsev the head of the department but encounters objections from Ludmila Prokopievna Kalugina, the director. Samokhvalov then advises Novoseltsev to lightly hit on the boss. Ironically, Novoseltsev and Kalugina fall in love with each other...


A sequel to the well-known story about a Little Red Riding Hood (Krasnaya Shapochka). This time, a family of a slain wolf decides to avenge his death. So they falsely inform Little Red Riding Hood that her grandma is sick and prepare to eat her on her way.


Two Soviet partisans leave their starving band to get supplies from a nearby farm. The Germans have reached the farm first, so the pair must go on a journey deep into occupied territory, a voyage that will also take them deep into their souls.


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Feature film.


Zhenya is a young girl who find a old beautiful house in the city when she followed a dog that he stole her donuts. At the old house, a old woman lives. The old woman offers to Zhenya a magic flower. When Zhenya pull up a petal of the flower, she can make a wish. In this moment, Zhenya should decide correctly her wishes.


The cartoon tells about the adventures of a kitten with the unusual name of Woof and his friend - the puppy of Sharik. Woof constantly gets into ridiculous situations and finds adventures as soon as he leaves the house. He is sure that it is necessary to go to meet the trouble, because the old cat told him: "You are waiting for some troubles!". He also knows how to properly share sausages, why a secret language is needed and why one should be afraid of thunderstorms together with a friend in the attic.


Based on the play of the same name by Aleksandr Nikolayevich Ostrovsky. The rich merchant widow Yuliya Tugina is practically ruined by her lover, impoverished nobleman Vadim Dulchin, who loves only himself and gambling. Merchant Flor Fedulych in love with a young widow Yuliya Pavlovna. But all her thoughts are occupied by the handsome Dulchin. But the wise and prudent merchant builds his intrigue, and soon they will have to combine marriage with the unloved, but the rich.


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The Humpbacked Horse Dubbed in America as "The Magic Pony," (Russian: Конёк-Горбуно́к; tr.:Konyok Gorbunok) is a 1947 Soviet/Russian traditionally-animated feature film directed by Ivan Ivanov-Vano and produced by the Soyuzmultfilm studio in Moscow. The film is based on the poem by Pyotr Pavlovich Yershov, and because of this everyone in the film speaks in rhymes. A remake was made in 1975 by the same director and studio.


A little hedgehog, on the way to visit his friend the bear, gets lost in thick fog, where horses, dogs and even falling leaves take on a terrifying new aspect...


A thief Egor having served a term in prison goes to the country to meet his pen-friend Lyuba, a kind genial village woman. Egor comes to love Lyuba sincerely. Now he has friends, work and beloved woman. He decides to break with his criminal past and starts a new life. However, his former criminal associates interfere brutally.


A story about a little raccoon who needs to prove to his mother he's brave enough to go to the pond to gather herbs at night, on his birthday.


Adventures of Mowgli is an animated feature-length story originally released as five animated shorts of about 20 minutes each between 1967 and 1971 in the Soviet Union.


The film tells about the inhabitants of the Russian city of Tsaritsyn-Stalingrad-Volgograd. The film consists of three novellas, united by the theme of love and the scene - a city on the Volga.

A schoolboy meets all the undone by him homework's heroes in their country.


A story about children showing the Farther Frost butterflies, green grass, in short, Summer.


Episode 2. Mowgli — the adopted son of a wolf family. He grows quickly and learns from his mentors. The rumor that the wolf pack living human child, comes to banderlogs. The monkey tribe, decided to make Mowgli their leader. They steal Mowgli and transfer it into a towns ruins in the jungle.


There lived in one yard four friends: a kitten, a puppy, a goat and a small chicken. But only they always cursed because their things somehow disappeared. The kitten lost milk from the bowl, the puppy lost his bone, the kid lost a carrot, and the chicken, almost had hardly been eaten. But one day the friends accidentally found a rat-thief, who they then all together amicably caught in a mousetrap and she paid for her theft.


Episode 1. A small child falls into the jungle in the wolf family. He liked the mother wolf Raksha, which gave him the tiger Sher Khan. The wolves raised a human baby named Mowgli. But life in a wolf pack is subject to the law of the jungle. The Council of the pack should decide whether Mowgli live among the beasts or eaten by Shere Khan.


A satirical fairy tale about an old tsar Dadon and a golden cockerel who guarded the borders of his kingdom.


A little train is always late.


A portrait of a Russian community in the late 19th century based on Chekhov's stories, featuring the author as observer and narrator.


A little slacker doesn't appreciate his childhood and wants to face with adult problems as quickly as possible.


The dentist of the provincial town of Upper Yamki made an unexpected scientific discovery by finding the thirty-third tooth in the patient’s oral cavity, Ivan Sergeyevich Travkin. Travkin, exhausted from pain, was taken to Moscow. Ivan Sergeyevich first becomes a patient of a madhouse (thanks to envious persons), and then — a hero of a scientific international conference and, finally, a patient of a dentist professor Bruk.


"I Am Walking Along Moscow" aka "Ya Shagayu Po Moskve" (1963) is a charming lyrical comedy directed by Georgi Daneliya in 1963 that was nominated for Golden Palm at Cannes Film Festival. Daneliya proved that it is possible to create a masterpiece in the most difficult genre of romantic comedy. Made by the team of young and incredibly talented artists that besides Daneliya included writer/poet Gennady Shpalikov, composer Andrei Petrov, and cinematographer Vadim Yusov (who had made four films with Andrei Tarkovski), and the dream cast of the talented actors even in the smaller cameos, "I Am Walking Along Moscow" keeps walking victoriously through the decades remaining deservingly one of the best and most beloved Russian comedies and simply one of the best Russian movies ever made. Funny and gentle, dreamy and humorous, romantic and realistic, the film is blessed with the eternal youth and will always take to the walk on the streets of Moscow new generations of the grateful viewers.


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Barankoboti, transforming.


Based on the novel of the same name in the verses of Yevgeni Dolmatovsky. Together with hundreds of other boys and girls, Komsomol members Kolya Kaitanov, Slava Ufimtsev, Alyosha Akishin, Lyolya and Masha came to the construction of the first stage of the Moscow metro. They are united by the romance of the feat, the desire to always be on the most difficult and dangerous site. A romantic and heroic story about the Komsomol members of the 1930s, about the fate of the generation that endured the construction of the first stage of the Moscow Metro, the war, the post-war reconstruction of the country.


The tale of the little badger, who did not want to learn to produce their own food and dig burrows. And once, when he told his father that he's hurt his back, and he played and lost, he realized how much need to be able to survive. Because such small animals as he is in the woods lurks so many dangers... And, above all, wolf!


After a long absence from St. Petersburg, a young landowner Yeletskaya comes to her estate with her husband.


Martha Weiss, a Jew, is sent to Auschwitz concentration camp with her family. On the first day of their arrival Martha is, by a coincidence, chosen as an interpreter, but her entire family is killed. Waiting for the Red Army to deliver them from the prison camp, the film depicts Martha and her friends' struggling life under the tyranny of camp guards and equally bad 'capos', administrative personnel chosen from among the prisoners.


All the girls of one of the Moscow houses can tirelessly jump over a skipping rope. But little Lida did: can't learn to jump. Once in a dream a wise elephant gives her a piece of advice: to learn how to jump, you must first do a good deed...


The true story of one of Russia's most beloved national heroines. During the Nazi siege of Moscow, a fearless 18-year-old girl named Zoya risked her life as a partisan fighter. Captured by the Germans, Zoya endured unspeakable tortures at the hands of the Gestapo but still refused to betray her comrades. Even on the gallows, Zoya defiantly spoke out against the Nazis and everything they stood for. In a series of flashbacks, this film re-creates not merely Zoya's death, but also her life.


A story about two teenagers and their life during WWII in Urals district of Russia.


Two six-graders are trying to find the Stalin's pipe and return it to the owner.


Animation film "And my mother will forgive me" is based on the poem of Emma Moshkovskaya. The film tells about one day of a little boy, his most beloved of three hundred and sixty-five days a year - his Birthday. On this holiday, the importance of a gift for a baby can not be overestimated, every kid has a toy that he has long dreamed of. What happens in the heart and soul of the child, if the gift does not match the desire.
