Marja Packalén

Seija Kuula is a superstar singer and an ageless goddess with a career spanning decades and decades. Problems start to arise when Seija falls in love with a younger guy and everybody around her seem to suffer from a bad case of baby fever. Seija orchestrates a masterplan to make everyone happy only to realize that one can not play with love. 70 Is Just a Number is a warm and humorous coming-of-age story – at 70.

Anni, a daughter of a wealthy family and used to secure life, falls in love with Veikko, a war invalid of the Continuation War. Anni leaves her past behind her and starts leading the life of a pioneer, in the wild forests of northern Karelia, in a settlement farm. After a rosy start, the fate crushes Anni’s dreams and her love for Veikko is put to a test.


A ravishing story about little Pete and his survival and growth in the gray area between love and fear.


Nuori nainen on saanut kutsun saapua poliisin kuultavaksi. Hän pelkää joutuvansa ansaan. Hän on täydellistä suomenkieltä puhuva Neuvosto-desantti, joka on varomattomuuttaan jättänyt vakoiluradionsa pesulaan säilytettäväksi.


Koistinen is a sad sack, a man without affect or friends. He's a night-watchman in Helsinki with ideas of starting his own business, but nothing to go with those intentions. He sometimes talks a bit with a woman who runs a snack trailer near his work. Out of the blue, a young sophisticated blonde woman attaches herself to Koistinen. He thinks of her as his girlfriend, he takes her on her rounds.


Eevi's life isn't going the way she would want it to, so she runs away, leaving destruction in her wake. No one will ever say no to her again.


Iris has a soul-deadening job as a quality-control worker watching boxes of matches go by on an assembly line all day. At night, she eats silently with her dour mother and stepfather. One weekend, wearing her new red dress at a local dance, she ends up going home with Aarne, whom she mistakenly believes is her new boyfriend. When she discovers that she's pregnant, years of pent-up rage explode in a shocking outburst.


Taisto Kasurinen is a Finnish coal miner whose father has just committed suicide and who is framed for a crime he did not commit. In jail, he starts to dream about leaving the country and starting a new life. He escapes from prison but things don't go as planned...


Anssi Mänttäri’s low-budget movies with their intimate content have become classics. In this black comedy that takes place in Helsinki in summer the main character (played by Mänttäri himself) jumps from one bar and bed to the next. Especially vulgar black humour.


Irma Auer (Satu Silvo) is a former call-girl, trying to distance herself from the past. In a séance she is told to be 'marked for death', and is afterward threatened by her former pimp and abandoned by her groom, as he learns about her past. Irma attempts to commit suicide, and resurrects at the city morgue after being pronounced dead. After the incident, she wanders out direction-less, being pursued by the doctor who treated her and also a strange, tall man.


Finnish soft erotic movie


A doctor, her daughter, and her young housekeeper spend their summer on a remote island.


No Love Lost shot to global fame like a shooting star and made millionaires out of its members. Guitarist Tony drank his millions and hasn't been able to play a chord in years. The guitars have been pawned and no new songs are being written. A message about singer-songwriter Katarina reaches Tony. The singer, who has been sober for a long time, has relapsed into drugs with fatal consequences. Katarina's teenage daughter Ellie, who has been placed in a family home, contacts Tony to find out about her family background. In the process, she reveals a secret to Tony that could enable No Love Lost to make a comeback and save Tony's finances. Tony decides to go to the funeral and get to know his daughter enough to get a DNA sample from her to confirm paternity - and gain access to Katarina's inheritance.
