Marjorie Cameron

GOING CLEAR intimately profiles eight former members of the Church of Scientology, shining a light on how they attract true believers and the things they do in the name of religion.


A sailor falls in love with a carnival-girl, despite warnings that she is a "jinx" who has brought about the deaths of two previous suitors.


Documentary on occultist Marjorie Cameron.


Lord Shiva wakes. A convocation of magicians in the guise of figures from mythology; a masquerade party at which Pan is the prize. The wine of Hecate is poured: Pan's cup is poisoned by Shiva. Kali blesses the assembly as a bacchic rite ensues.


This edited Ektachrome home movie with titles documents a 1959 street fair, upper Grant Avenue, San Francisco--the center of Beat culture. The film includes shots of filmmaker Dion Vigne and his wife Loreon, artist and occultist Marjorie Cameron and her daughter Crystal, artist Wallace Berman and his wife Shirley, and Beat poet and surrealist Bob Kaufman.