Mark Driscoll

When Dave and Vicky were growing up, their parents had it easy. Back then, there were no “time-outs,” no one had any “boundaries,” and “parenting” wasn’t even a word. Parents had no idea what their kids were really up to and ignorance truly was bliss. Now Dave and Vicky have teenagers of their own, and anything their kids might even think about doing, Dave and Vicky have already done… at least twice. But knowledge isn’t power – it’s a giant pain! Every day is a battle to keep the kids in line. Dave and Vicky figure if they can send these three off to college without a police record or kids of their own, they’ve done their job.


Hope, a down-to-earth, happily married mother of three has her tidy world turned upside down when her celebrity sister moves in. Faith was living the Hollywood life as a soap opera star before her character was killed off.


Someone Like Me is an American sitcom television series that aired from March 14 until April 25, 1994.


Something unthinkable is happening among Hollywood's elite power players... and Oliver Wright is in the midst of it all. A struggling actor, Oliver gets the lead in a movie for a well-known producer. But what starts out as the role of a lifetime turns into a role others would "kill" for!
