Mark Steven Bosko

When 6 strangers are left in the woods to fend for their lives, there's one enemy they weren't expecting.


Cheap thrills! It’s bargain basement horror time: a new drug is on the street, Ozone, it transforms the users into powerful mutants. Detective Eddie Boone is injected when a drug bust goes wrong leading him to fight against himself as well as the Ozone infected.


A lesbian couple support themselves by picking up guys with money and blowing them away. They yearn for a more normal life, so they vow to get out of the murder/theft business and live off welfare money and turning tricks. They decide to have a baby, so they get a donor, but they find that it's not as easy as they thought to get past their former lifestyle.


Former MTV personality Toby Radloff charmed critics and audiences alike in the Academy Award®-nominated 'American Splendor', and now you can see where he got his cinematic start! Toby plays Harold Kunkle, king of the nerds. Harold's been pushed beyond his meek limits and now seeks bloody retribution throughout these two hilarious and horrifying shockers. As witty as 'Revenge of the Nerds' and as violent as 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre', Killer Nerd has a wide appeal among fans of horror, comedy, and cult cinema and that goes double for 'Bride of Killer Nerd!'


A nerd is harassed by punks, and is the object of ridicule at work. Enamoured by a co-worker, he buys a tape series on how to be cool, summons up his nerve, and goes to the co-worker's house, only to find her in the clutches of another co-worker. Dejected, he goes out on the town and parties with some babes, but when their friends, who turn out to be the same punks that harassed him earlier, trash him again something snaps, and the irritants in his life begin experiencing an attrition problem.


Across America, small town cops rule the land. And what you hear about these prejudiced police is often true. This is the story of one such cop. Part mythic folk hero, part bad-ass, he is both feared and admired, hated and loved by the residents of his town. Witness first hand the violence and boredom consuming this law-man's daily routine. Come, take a ride with Pig.
