Markku Haussila

Inkeri, 75, has hit her husband on the head with a solid iron frying pan and is planning to bury him in their garden. Before facing the rest of her life in prison, there may yet be a moment left to really live. Inkeri makes her sisters Sylvi and Raili join her on a trip to the Koli National Park. Will Inkeri find in her that free young woman who desired a feminist revolution in the 70s?


Janika takes advantage of her pregnancy by smuggling amphetamine from Tallinn to Helsinki with her brother.

Follow the life and adventures of curious, kind and idealistic Moomintroll. A typical hero in a coming-of-age story, Moomintroll tries to tackle the puzzle of growing up to his true, individualistic self while remaining a beloved part of the family.


A celebrity psychiatrist struggles to find a date for a wedding. Her dearest ex is getting married. She needs to find someone fancy enough to hide the fact that she is lonely, drinks too much and is pretty fucked up in any imaginable way.