Markus Tønseth

The story about the people working on July 22 2011, when a terror attack happened in Norway.


Casper and Emma spends their summer holiday at Emma's family cabin. They find a chest that Emma's grandfather buried on the beach when he was young. It contains a treasure map that will lead them to a hidden treasure.


During the autumn holidays, Casper and Emma are going on an exciting camping adventure in the Norwegian wilderness, but when Casper plays matchmaker there is bound to be trouble!


Casper and Emma get the opportunity to go to a real theatre. An adventure that sparks the idea to set up a play themselves. A play about yule lads who light lamps outside houses in the dark days of December.


The two best friends Casper and Emma goes on a cabin holiday for skiing fun. Tough guy Petter is a good skier, and Casper thinks Emma likes him more. Maybe he can prove himself if he competes in a ski jumping competition?


Casper and Emma are looking forward to Christmas! Will Santa Claus visit Petra this year, or will he leave the presents outside her door, like he usually does?


Casper dreads to start at a new daycare, but when he arrives he meets Emma who has a stuffed animal that can come to life. From that day Casper and Emma are best friends.


When the new boy in class, Jørgen, moves into the haunted house down the road Anne’s world turns upside-down; she falls head over heals in love with him. All the girls in Anne’s class fall for Jørgen as well, including beautiful blonde pony-tailed Ellen. But that is of no hindrance to Anne; she is willing to go further than anyone to win him over. When done in the name of love, everything is allowed…isn’t it?


Jakob Aasen has hired his old friend, private investigator Varg Veum, to spy on his wife Rebecca, whom he suspects of infidelity. Against his better judgement Varg accepts the job, and in an ironic twist he and Rebecca rekindle their former love. Meanwhile a serial killer is targeting members of Jacob's band and their families...
