Marnie Mahannah

Kyla is a skilled genealogy researcher who’s made a thriving business of putting together family trees. When she comes across new information regarding her mother’s mysterious extended family, she and her sister travel to the charming town of Conifer, hoping to piece together their ancestry. The search leads Kyla to a generations-old Christmas tree farm, its stubborn but handsome owner… and, possibly, love.

INSPIRED BY TRUE EVENTS - Wanting to ensure she gets in to a great college, a student becomes involved in an admission scandal. When the police start snooping around and begin to close in on the ring leader, things turn deadly.

Kent devises a revenge plan against Laurel, whose husband he believed ruined his marriage, however, his plan becomes deadly once Laurel decides to fight back.


Kendra has been given an Educator of the Year award and now must prepare a speech to give at a banquet in her honor. She has the support of her husband (and is trying to start a family with him) and best friend Monica, but her life is starting to unravel. Kendra will discover the cause is a long lost twin sister, Amber, who resents her twin's "entitled" position. Kendra must fight her vindictive sister to save her home, husband, job, and finally her life.


After a childhood on the road with her legendary singer-songwriter father, organic teashop owner Bonnie Highstreet, wants nothing to do with the music business, but when she helps music sensation Ryder Jamison, develop lyrics for his new solo album, she rekindles her long abandoned dream and falls in love.
