Marsha Clark

Inventor Flint Lockwood creates a machine that makes clouds rain food, enabling the down-and-out citizens of Chewandswallow to feed themselves. But when the falling food reaches gargantuan proportions, Flint must scramble to avert disaster. Can he regain control of the machine and put an end to the wild weather before the town is destroyed?


Jack Green inherited a southern Californian horse ranch and an all-natural toy factory in the barn. With his wife Cherie, he accepts taking in the three 'holy terrors' from his bossy aunt Rita's orphanage during renovations, until the holidays. Resourceful Mike and his buddies, Henry and Ray, prove handfuls, but Jack proves father-potential. Will the trio find a real home for Christmas?


The sheriff and his deputies from the first movie decide to take a vacation in the Caribbean. Their holiday will be short-lived, however, as the thawed murderer gets inadvertently re-frozen and brought back to life. As if that weren't bad enough, he now has the ability to remain frozen even in tropical temperatures, and he's headed south to settle some old scores.


Serial killer is genetically mutated in car wreck on the way to his execution. After which, he becomes a murdering snowman hell-bent on revenge for the sheriff who caught him.
