Marshall Applewhite

The story of the Cacophony Society. This documentary follows their evolution from the San Francisco Suicide Club - 1977, the exploits of SF Cacophony, their nexus creating the Burning Man Festival, to the irreverent Los Angeles Cacophony and beyond. This is the history of the most significant American underground cultural movement of our time! 'The Cacophony Society is, 'a randomly gathered network of free spirits engaged in the pursuit of experiences beyond the mainstream.' The credo is 'You May Already be a Member!' It's a non-religious, non-political, non-commercial disorganization of Dada klowns rewiring the neuro-circuits of humanity. The heart of Cacophony is deeply routed in kitsch, weird and nihilism.. It's subversion by way of absurdist pranks and fire!


Documentary chronicling the history of the Heaven's Gate cult, including actual home video footage and interviews with surviving members.


While on a journey of discovery in exotic India, beautiful young Ruth Barron falls under the influence of a charismatic religious guru. Her desperate parents then hire PJ Waters, a macho cult de-programmer who confronts Ruth in a remote desert hideaway. But PJ quickly learns that he's met his match in the sexy, intelligent and iron-willed Ruth.


Culticide in California explores the grim events surrounding the mass suicide of 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult, led by Marshall Applewhite. This group held strange beliefs tied to the Hale-Bopp Comet. This documentary uses news footage to tell the story of how 39 people could all have such strong beliefs that they would chemically castrate themselves and die in the hope that a passing spaceship would pick them up.

The initiation tape where cult leader talks to the camera. It was made in 1997 5 days before the suicides, trying to convince members to commit suicide in order to join a spaceship behind the comet, driven by his father, God/Te.

"We'll title this tape, "Planet Earth About to be Recycled - Your Only Chance to Evacuate is to Leave With Us." Planet Earth about to be recycled - Your only chance to survive or evacuate is to leave with us. Now, that's a pretty drastic statement - pretty bold - in terms of religion, in terms of anybody's intelligent thinking. To most people who would consider themselves intelligent beings, they'd say, "Well, that's absurd. What's all this doomsday stuff? What's all this prophetic, apocalyptic talk?" You know, intelligent human beings should realize that all things have their own cycle. They have their season. They have their beginning, they have their end. We're not saying that planet Earth is coming to an end. We're saying that planet Earth is about to be refurbished, spaded under, and have another chance to serve as a garden for a future human civilization."

The initiation tape where cult leader talks to the camera. It was made in September 1996 to explain their religious beliefs.