Mart Hulswit

Billy's nephew, Kit, comes to visit the station

After experiencing several stressful situations within a short time --including the failure of the family business and the loss of her mother-- Janet Broderick becomes ill. Falling into a deep sleep, she dreams of returning to her hometown, taking her children with her to meet her deceased loved ones. Perhaps, during a Christmas reunion with her beloved family, she will find the answer to coping with her troubles.


The Hilliards are a middle class family whose lives are put in danger when escaped convict Glenn Griffin invades their home. Griffin is crazed, tormenting the Hilllards plus his meek brother Hank. Sadistic Robish is also present.


Set amidst the steamy underworld of Bermuda and Jamaica, this spy adventure chronicles the exploits of a female spy trying to investigate the mysterious murders of two colleagues before an important meeting between the world's most powerful leaders.


Hercules (Gordon Scott) sets out to save the city of Troy from a horrible sea monster. Meanwhile, the city is threatened by a different kind of monster--a smarmy politician who will stop at nothing to seize the throne.
