Marta Drozdova

Most of us say the word "Mama" without thinking. But there are children who have never uttered this word in their lives. The film is about these children, orphans. In these children, no less love than in each of us. And they are waiting. Sometimes too long. But they never cease to believe for a second that one day they will be able to say this simple word. The word "Mama" ...


The film tells about the history of the Holocaust through the stories of its unwitting Witnesses.


In the center of the plot are modern heroes who have taken the path of fighting crime. This drama played out against the backdrop of the terrorist attack. Graduates of the 11 “A” class meet again with their school teacher, but now they are forced to move from theory to practice and save not only their lives, but also the lives of other people.


German shepherd named Brutus got into concentration camp and turned from a harmless pet into a killer.


When you have behind you an unsuccessful personal life, two children and blockages at work, it seems that this is the end and there will be no more happiness. And then the years take their toll. But if you do not despair, then there is still a chance to find your soul mate and find harmony, which our main character will try to do ...

The young man nicknamed "Amur" works as a taxi driver in Moscow. Every day his taxi passes through the entire capital from the outskirts to the center. Areas, lifestyle, people are changing before our eyes. But Cupid will not find his place here. Moscow is just another source of problems for him. But once the capital itself decides to achieve reciprocity from Amur! It turns out to be the “intersection point” of three love stories at once.