Marta Romero

A wrestler tries to break up a covey of vampires, led by the King of Vampires.


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From the hill of Tepeyac arise the most extraordinary miracles.

Businessman Carlos meets Ana María in a Mexico City nightclub. He escorts her home, and makes a date for the next day. Ana María is actually a prostitute whose pimp, Arturo, thinks Carlos would be a good client, and urges her to be nice to him. They fall in love, and Carlos proposes marriage to her, indicating he must return to Puerto Rico soon.

Roberto is tired of his life as an office worker in Mexico City, so he moves to Acapulco to try his luck as a "Latin lover".

Two bumbling bozos with detective licenses get hoodwinked by a pair of jewel-thieves.


The women of a brothel adopt a foundling baby.


Among Delia, a socialite, and Jorge a bohemian cabaret pianist, begins a relationship that ends in tragedy.


It's about a country doctor that comes to the city while a clinic is built in his home town... he rubs off his care and compassion on others at the hospital with his humor and wit.


In a New York hospital, a man is cured of heroin addiction after a grueling three-month treatment. Although no longer an addict, he has complete amnesia: the only clues to his past are an expensive ring he was wearing when admitted, and a book of matches from a Puerto Rican nightclub. He pawns the ring and buys clandestine passage on a boat to Puerto Rico in search of his identity.

Follows the life of a loving couple that is childless. Juana consults help from many sources so she can conceive, but to no avail. However, her husband Manolo has an illegitimate son by a prostitute. He hopes to raise him as their mutual son, but the boy's arrival marks a profound change in the couple's life, as Juana struggles with her relationship with the child and her husband.

In a small rural town, everybody lays eyes on Maruja, the most beautiful woman there. After the son of the mayor comes back from France, he also notices Maruja, setting forth events of love, jealousy, guilt, and anger.
