Marte Harell

Philip Scott, the boss of a toy company, is secretly also the chief of a British spy organization. Scott's cover is destroyed when enemy agents kidnap his girlfriend to force him to reveal the identities of his fellow spies.


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Oberst Alfred Redl heads the military intelligence department of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Frequent letters from the Russian Empire, however, make him suspect of sharing his knowledge with unauthorized authorities.


Produced in 1944, finished and released in 1946.


Careless Fritzi, the wife of a much older professor, has secretly been meeting with the unmarried Baron von Burghammer. Fritzi's husband finds out about the affair. Leoni, Fritzi's sister, pretends to be Burghammer's lover to spare her sister. Burghammer then falls head over heels for the brave woman.


Frauen sind keine Engel" was made on a moderate budget and has generally found not as much attention as that which has been rightfully accorded to his 'Viennese trilogy' made at about the same time. Please don't expect the outward splendour of some other Forst films, even though script, acting and direction leave nothing to be desired. However, like many of Forst's more important films this one not only provides great entertainment, but is also a thorough examination of the relation of fiction/art and reality.


Wolf Burkhardt, who has acquired mining rights in Africa, returns home to get financing for his project. At the same time, he'd like to renew his youthful love for Georgia, but is eventually, and falsely, suspected of fraudulent activities and returns back to Africa. It is only with the passing of five years that he sees his beloved once more. In the interim, she has married a state's prosecutor and they have a daughter.


A young Viennese actor is having much success on the stage; but intrigue and confusion in his love life are making his life a living Hell.


After the operetta of the same name of Richard Heuberger in 1890-1914 all kinds of situation comic from happy-go-lucky Vienna of the turn of the century, the time of the first cars and the absurd bath costumes: Husbands in the Chambre Separee, her little dizziness and mistake plays, the tumultuous whirl of a grand ball... - A high-spirited comedy at considerable entertainment level.
