Martha Sevilla

Chuck (Christopher de Leon) decides to make an honest woman of his long-time live-in partner Carissa (Dina Bonnevie) by marrying her. But marriage does not seem to agree with them for they are now headed for a divorce. Chuck is seeing his colleague Betsy while Carissa is spending a lot of her time in David's (Mark Gil) apartment. But what if Chuck finds out that Carissa's friend David is ""gay""? And Carissa finds out her husband is just jealous so he is using Betsy as a pawn? Will they push through with the divorce then?

Panday is a blacksmith whose real name is Flavio. When a meteor fell from the sky one night, he forged the metal from the meteor into a dagger, the balaraw. When he raises the dagger to the sky, it magically grows into a sword. He uses this magical sword to fight the evil Lizardo and other supernatural beings.


Bobby is secretly in love with his neighbour and friend Cory who is living-in with her partner Charlie. However, Cory decides to leave Charlie upon discovering his deepest secret that he is a married man. This gives Bobby the chance to show his true feelings for Cory and marries her even adopting the child Charlie has left in her womb. Bobby lives the life of a perfect husband with Cory and accepts a job assignment in Albay shuttling to and from Manila to support his new family. In the province, he meets Pilar, lovely town girl. His friendship with Pilar blossoms and they find themselves falling for each other, with Bobby concealing his real marital status. Soon the two learn that she is pregnant and the family forces them into marriage. Consequently, the women discover that Bobby is living a lie and is married to two women. He is forced to make a crucial decision, which of his marriages must be honour? Or will he faced the prospect of getting charged with bigamy?
