Martin Hentschel

Two brothers start a sportswear company in the 1920s, hoping to make the best shoes in the world. Their relationship deteriorates until they become bitter rivals.


Two gangsters named Lukas and Marc planned to have a nice evening in an brothel. When both of them selected their girls for the night, a bunch of demons starts to attack the brothel. The few ones who survived this attack are confronted with the daugther of the devil herself. She needs the blood of 666 victims to resurrect her father. Lukas and Marc must stop her!


David and Philip are distinctive in the work's couriers World Express. Every day, roam the world completing tasks assigned to them by the mysterious head of Anson. Do not give up any adversity and provide dangerous consignment on time. Their current mission is to deliver to Mexico a ransom for the kidnapped girl. In the meantime, it appears that the girl's mother, Corrina, was once associated with David. Just before the start of the task Philip is murdered, and the ransom stolen. To save the girl, David needs to work with Corrina. It begins a dangerous journey through the dense jungle to the mysterious Mayan city.


Silvia's career as an actress goes into decline after a few unfortunate statements recorded with a microphone hidden in his dressing room. On the other hand, we detected a serious disease to her daughter.


In a "death zone", a self-proclaimed "leader" with his 5-man army and zombie mutants created by him wants to take over the rule. For this he must first pursue three women dressed in lingerie through a German mixed forest ...


Suddenly Jennifer is torn from her comfortable and non-assuming life. While planning to move, Jennifer and her husband will experience anything but an ordinary day! It all begins with a strange visit from her soon to be ex-neighbor, the postman who mentions an urgent need. Later when Jennifer comes home from grocery, she discovers an elderly neighbor, who is her son's babysitter, has disappeared. She also receives a terrifying and disturbing letter which contains a macabre death poem, plus some compromising sex photos of her husband and the missing babysitter! To get over the initial shock, she decides to take a bath, and promptly falls asleep in the bathtub. When she awakes, she finds herself on the floor of her apartment covered in blood and body parts! Center to this surreal and horrific scene is a mysterious masked man who promises to lead Jennifer on the right path toward the sacred white light . The story continues as a tale of physical and mental torture!


Otto is a man from a little German island, where he lives together with his friends. He gets his treasure, an expensive painting, stolen by a casino owner and his female assistent, so Otto starts travelling to the main land with his friends. Will he get it back?
