Martin Laroche

Estelle, 34, wife and mother of the family without history, sinks into a tidy, predictable life. But a series of events puts her identity in question. Worse, she realizes that the crux of the crisis is sexual. She decides to organize a "threesome". Challenge away from his comfort zone. She plunges into this mad quest, resulting with her spouse who feels just as incompetent.


Alex Lachance is a retired actor turned barman. When he became the owner of a tavern, he thought he’d get back to the real world and quiet anonymity. He didn’t expect that his bar would become a hangout for celebrities looking for a sympathetic ear with their gin tonic & lemon. Barman consists of twelve intertwining mini-sagas, both absurd and touching, brought to life through cameos from Québec artists. It’s a chronicle of the daily life of a guy who got out of showbiz only to find that showbiz wasn’t ready to let him go.

Five years after an economic catastrophe, the government and banks have collapsed. At a fortified village in rural Quebec, three individuals with very different pasts see their destinies unwillingly intertwined. Léon is part of a band of honest scavengers. Following a murderous attack, Léon has a falling out with the surviving members of his gang. Marianne, survivor of a brutal assault and the last living member of her family, is travelling to the village to find her aunt — and is soon to find that her attackers are there too. Old Bob has only one goal, to reconnect and make peace with his brother, since years estranged. During his journey, he encounters Josée, a teen with attitude who sees a father figure in him. After a bloody altercation at a bar, Bob has no choice but to tolerate Joe’s company.


In 1987 Ricardo is 17 years old. This summer, Ricardo has a busy schedule: loose his virginity, find a way to get into bars, have a car, spend time with his friends. In order to rapidly make money, Ricardo decides to use his italian inheritance and take a shortcut in the medium of crime. But things will go wrong...


The passage of time is probably the only concrete proof we have that justice exists in this cruel world. Some people would like to stop time in its tracks, while others choose to follow its path. In this story, three men in their early thirties have reached that age when it's time to start thinking about "getting a life", perhaps starting a family. But how do you handle the fact that your friendships are changing? That, slowly, your new family is becoming the center of your ever-shrinking world? What do you do when you realize your youth is a thing of the past?


As he prepares for his encounter with a new flame, a young man queries about how he will present himself. Suddenly, he is surrounded by embodiments of his different personality facets.


Hubert, Alex and Cathou are brothers and sisters, in their twenties, and share an apartment in a quiet area of the upper city of Quebec. Their little life without a story falls when, in the same week, two similar murders are committed in their neighborhood.
