Martin van Waardenberg

Best friends Dylan and Youssef dream of becoming soccer players. When Dylan is paralyzed due to an accident, his dad and former coach want him to accept his disability, but he is determined to play soccer again.


Nobody likes the history lessons of master Menno, but when he finds a magical talisman, he throws his pupils in an adventure of all times.


A retiring gun for hire gets assigned the job of guarding a young, feisty Hungarian beauty in a remote cottage somewhere in the French Ardennes. Heat, stench and boredom push their relationship to the edge until only an irrevocable deed can establish some sort of new order.


Bo is the only child of rich parents and goes to a private school in Switzerland. When the holiday starts, he is kidnapped and his rich, safe and secluded world is turned upside down. During their long cross-country trip back to the Netherlands to meet the ransom deadline, Bo and his abductor Fred, a gruff lovable loser, forge a strange friendship. Bo discovers in Fred the father that he misses and learns to stand up for himself. Fred is confronted with where he has always been running from and learns to become a father.


Five monks live harmoniously in the monastery but suddenly their peace is disturbed by a gang of construction workers. The leader of the church sold the monastery to the town council, and now their beloved home is destined to become a spa! The monks' desperate attempts to stop this situation seem in vain, but then - a miracle! The monastery is saved. But that is just the start of their troubles...


Nursing home Zonnedael has been shut down by director Bomhoff: the psychiatric in-patients Bep Brul, the Major, Fats, Ms. De Haas and Dr. Doolittle are reintroduced into society against their wishes. Nurse Ten Hoeven, who always cared for her patients with love and care, is grieving: her main purpose in life has gone. To make matters worse, she is kidnapped. Of course the patients take action immediately. Under the Major’s guidance they embark on a risky and lunatic venture, to finally discover the incredible truth behind the kidnapping.


How the helpers of Sinterklaas are able to do their tricks and get into every house is one of the magical powers of Sinterklaas' Book. But when the book loses it's power, it becomes impossible to to fulfill their duties on December 5. To prevent that from happening, Piet Diego and his Elite team embark on an adventure. Quite a big adventure, because the only place to recover the much needed powers is a magical source in Myra - the birthplace of Sinterklaas!


Alize ran away from home after a fight with her parents. She's answering her phone, and now the evening is slowly turning into night, her parents are increasingly worried. What they don't know is that Alize isn't far away: she has hidden herself across from the house and is observing her worried parents from a distance.


‘The Marathon’ is a feature film which contains humour in combination with impressive drama. The garage of four jass playing, smoking and beer drinking mechanics is threatened to be closed. The ‘genius’ idea to run the marathon of Rotterdam while being sponsored seems to be the only solution. The condition of the sponsor deal; making it to the finish line. However, training is difficult for the hedonists and it changes relationships, and even their future. Are all the efforts worth the fight when their seems to be more to it then just making it to the finish line…?


VARA exists 80 years! We celebrate this with the DVD you have in your hands. About 5 hours top entertainment from VARA's entertainment cabinet. Fragments that will take you from 1958 to now. You still remember Dorus with his mouse trap? Or the "Kopspijkers" cabaret with the song "One Day Fly", Theo Maassen with his farewell speech of Henk van den Tillaart or Harry Vermegen and Henk Spaan with Popie Jopie? That's all on this DVD, and more!

Met o.a. de balk, de onderwaterscene en de zeilramp Bandkaai is het zesde theaterprogramma van de Rotterdamse theatermakers Martin van Waardenberg en Wilfried de Jong. De typische Waardenberg en de Jong aanpak isl in Bandkaai zeker weer te zien. Performance afgewisseld met miniatuurtjes van toneelspel. Grootse en wezenloze decorstukken. Schoonheid maar ook afbraak. Harde klanken naast stille beelden. Fysieke uitputting en tevens serene rust. Chaos en orde tegelijk. Waardenberg en de Jong zijn niet te vangen.


Waardenberg en de Jong blijven eigenwijs zoeken naar verrassende acts. Het tweetal heeft een hekel aan voorspelbaarheid, het accepteert geen grenzen, ook niet die van het opgeplakte etiket. De visuele en fysieke aanpak vormt wederom een hoofdbestanddeel van dit theaterprogramma. Waardenberg en de Jong zijn gebleven, verder is alles nieuw. Je kunt alles verwachten, ze leren het nooit.


In hun derde programma 'Jool Hul', dat vernoemd is naar een vrijersplek langs de snelweg tussen Amersfoort en Apeldoorn, slaan ze op elkaar in met reigers en in de meesterlijke wijn-en-spuug-scène rochelt Van Waardenberg in de wijd opengesperde mond van De Jong.


In their second show, Waardenberg & de Jong attack each other with yoghurt, paint, water and wood glue. They end as sea lions, diving in a pool from a water slide.
