Martina Hill

It should be the big day of Rob Becker (Moritz Bleibtreu). The unsuccessful car salesman wanted to be a comedian as a child and now finally has the chance to prove himself at the local comedy club's Openmic evening. He already has the perfect topic ready for his program: Rob recently met the caveman - his imaginary friend from the Stone Age. Since then, Rob has enjoyed exchanging ideas with this ancient caveman and believes that, thanks to his alter ego, he can finally better understand the difference between men and women, the hunters and gatherers. But there is a problem - and that is Claudia Müller (Laura Tonke) and is married to Rob. After Claudia left him in an argument and only 15 minutes before his big performance, Rob dragged himself onto the stage and spontaneously changed his program.

Olaf tries to make his dreams reality and thereby always gets into trouble with his surroundings. He meets his biggest obstacle yet when his father pressures him into having a child. Finding a woman becomes difficult when Olaf realizes that they have something he doesn't have: feelings.


Der 37-jährige Bamberger Brauerei-Marketingmanager Pitschi Greulich will weder mit seiner Freundin Sabine Kinder kriegen noch das von den Eltern geforderte Eigenheim bauen und schon gar nicht zum elften Mal in Folge mit seinen Kumpels in den Mallorca-Urlaub düsen. Also disponiert Pitschi am Flughafen kurzfristig um und landet mit einem Mal in Argentinien, wo er gedenkt, ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Doch in der Ferne merkt der krisengebeutelte Thirtysomething, dass all das, was er eigentlich sucht, längst zu Hause auf ihn wartet.


Journalist Victoria gets a job at a youth magazine, where she was entrusted to the section of letters from teenagers asking questions about sex. Victoria's quite difficult to cope with it - because she... still a virgin! She need to solve this problem urgently! And the best candidate - Editor in Chief, handsome Nick. But how to tell him that he would be her first?


Das Beste aus meinem Leben is a German ARD family television series. It was broadcast between 15 December 2006 and 2 February 2007.