Martti Katajisto

A wide-eyed doll salesman is mistaken for a bomb-wielding anarchist by the oppressive forces of the totalitarian state.


A fictional love story between famous composer Gabriel Linsén and opera singer Maria Sawina in 19th century Finland.


"After the Fall" - Schoolboy Klaus Toivola is convicted of theft and sent to prison. At his release Klaus feels that his life has changed a lot. Despite all his hardship and difficulties he keeps up his studies under the supervision of the grim Master Kahari.


The streets of Helsinki, Finland, at night. Violence mixed with incidents and everyday life. Reported by police officers on the graveyard shift.


Finland late 1700's. After Katarina Thorwöst becomes a widow, there are many suitors, but her heart belongs to the fencing teacher lieutenant Carl-Magnus Schildt.


A Finnish Sleeping Beauty adaptation directed by Edvin Laine in 1949.


A visual poem based on a story by Nobel laureate F.E. Sillanpää. Set over one night in a small rural community we watch various relationships and actions among local people; these include birth, death, and conflicts fuelled by alcohol. The fates of various characters become interlaced over a long and light-filled summer night in the Finnish countryside. Lumberjacks, a deer-eyed young man Nokia, a family of poor farmers, a young girl and her lover... New life is born, old life dies, man is slain in his prime, and his widow continues her life.
