Mary Diveny

Tom and Perri are a successful couple residing in New York City with their dog, a Golden Retriever named Sophie. Tom is crushed when Sophie is hit and killed by a car while Perri is walking her, and angered that someone would drive away from the scene without any apparent remorse. As time passes, Tom's anger becomes an obsession to make the hit and run driver pay for his crime.


48 hours in the life of a burnt-out paramedic. Once called Father Frank for his efforts to rescue lives, Frank sees the ghosts of those he failed to save around every turn. He has tried everything he can to get fired, calling in sick, delaying taking calls where he might have to face one more victim he couldn't help, yet cannot quit the job on his own.


A midwestern teacher questions his sexuality after a former student makes a comment about him at the Academy Awards.


Based on the best-selling book, this movie focuses on John F. Kennedy's first run for a congressional seat in 1946.