Mary Glynne

Ebenezer Scrooge, the ultimate Victorian miser, hasn't a good word for Christmas, though his impoverished clerk Cratchit and nephew Fred are full of holiday spirit. In the night, Scrooge is visited by spirits of the past, present, and future.


Erich Kästner’s beloved novel has been adapted for film or television six times since its publication in 1929; this 1935 British version was the first in English. Believed lost for decades, it was recently rediscovered by the BFI and has now been restored. The film moves the action from Berlin to London, where Emil goes to stay with his grandmother and cousin. Thereafter, the tale of Emil’s adventures with a gang of streetwise London children faithfully follows the original plot.


A music-hall star and his best mate are conned out of their earnings (twice!) and left with nothing but a beloved greyhound.


Film musical taken from JB Priestley's novel about three musicians joining together to save a failing concert party, the Dinky Doos.


A widow enlists the support of a King's Counsel to help clear herself of the accusation she had murdered her husband by a suspicious coroner

A Lord's son is engaged to his rich ward, but prefers a peasant.


A poor girl refuses to wed a millionaire when he sends her sick sweetheart to Africa.
