Mary Roscoe

After their production "Princess Ida" meets with less-than-stunning reviews, the relationship between Gilbert and Sullivan is strained to breaking. Their friends and associates attempt to get the two to work together again, which opens the way to "The Mikado," one of the duo's greatest successes.


A 1980 Looney Tunes Thanksgiving special, starring Daffy Duck. Cartoons featured "The Scarlet Pumpernickel" "Robin Hood Daffy" "Drip-Along Daffy" "His Bitter Half"


A collection of Warner Brothers short cartoon features, "starring" the likes of Daffy Duck, Porky Pig and Wile.E.Coyote. These animations are interspersed by Bugs Bunny reminiscing on past events and providing links between the individual animations which are otherwise unconnected. This 1979 feature-length compilation includes several of his best cartoons. Among the 11 shorts shown in their entirety are the classics "Robin Hood Daffy," "What's Opera, Doc?," "Bully for Bugs," and "Duck Amuck". The Bugs Bunny Road Runner Movie provides a showcase not only for Jones's razor-sharp timing, but for the work of his exceptional crew, which included designer Maurice Noble, writer Mike Maltese, composers Carl Stalling and Milt Franklyn, and voice actor Mel Blanc.


Aunt Agatha threatens to call the police on innocent trick-or-treaters. Her nephew, Ralph, would love to be out with them. But what he wants most of all is a pumpkin. From across the street, Raggedy Ann and Andy watch the drama unfold. Andy is furious at Agatha for preventing the boy from enjoying the wonderful, horrible holiday. Ann, with her irritating insistence on fairness, decides that Agatha has merely forgotten what it's like to be young. The pressing matter ahead is getting Ralph a pumpkin. Andy scoffs at the idea of finding one at this late date. Ann reasons that if there's a little boy who needs a pumpkin, there must be a pumpkin who needs a little boy. She's right. Not far away, a miserable pumpkin is blubbering out pumpkin seed-tears because no one wants him for Halloween.
