Masahiko Arima

The third work of the popular series depicting the famous detective Kyosuke Kozu. Blind musician Ryoichi Kashiwagi died of a heart attack. His father, Shigeyuki , is already bedridden and has billions of Japanese yen in assets. Ryoichi's wife Yukiyo and Ryoichi's younger sister Tsuruko have a dispute over these assets. Newspaper reporter Matsushita, who met Ryoichi just before his death, was interviewed, and was told that there was something unnatural about Ryoichi's cause of death. Soon, Tsuruko died mysteriously. Matsushita decides to have Kyosuke Kozu, a university professor and a famous detective, solve the case.

A drama depicting the conflict between a man that ran to an old lover suffering from advanced leukemia, his wife and child that were left behind, and the friendship that develops between his wife and his former lover.


A man who lost his wife and a woman whose husband died have a fateful meeting in connection with a double suicide and fall madly in love.

Detective Muramatsu's wife, Fusae, is killed by a drug addict. After the criminal climbs to the roof of the house with a hostage, Muramatsu shoots him dead in order to rescue the hostage, but the public denounces his actions as stemming from the personal grudge of a detective whose wife was just murdered, and he is demoted.

Depicts the bloody siege of Port Arthur, one of the most strongly fortified positions in the world, during the Russo-Japanese War.


Samonji, a reporter, receives a message on his answering machine from his friend Takada that says "stop it... zero plan! February." Learning that Takada is dead, Samonji begins an investigation. He and his younger sister Fumiko investigate major events happening in February but cannot find anything relevant. Meanwhile, Kanzaki, a doctor who works at a clinic on a remote island, is working on a plan to extort two billion yen.

In late 1940 the Japanese were anxious to conclude peace in China and to that end sent Colonel Hidaka to inaugurate negotiations. He was mysteriously assassinated, however, when his car was blown up. The General Staff Headquarters in Japan, sends Lieutenant Shiina, a graduate of the famed Nakano School of Spies inaugurated by Colonel Kusanagi, to investigate the matter. Arriving in Shanghai, he disguises himself as a Chinese coolie and sets out to watch for developments, the only clue being a silver dollar found beside what was left of the victim.


An employee in an assurance company threatens to commit suicide when management announces a massive layoff, the company uses this threat to its own advantage by turning the incident into an advertising campaign. With the success of the campaign, however, he is no longer a desperate man pointing a gun to his head, but a potential leader who wishes to take advantage of his failed suicide.
