Masashi Amenomori

Private Investigator Sam of Los Angeles is mysteriously transformed into an anthropomorphic eagle resembling the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Mascot. With the help of his hilariously busty assistant, Canary, Sam has to fight the bad guys and chase down his nemesis, a cockroach riding a skateboard. Sam's hat contains almost everything he needs, and when the going gets tough, he takes out special magical Olympic rings to help save the day!

Ai Shite Knight is a shōjo manga created in the early 1980s by Kaoru Tada. An anime version of the story in 42 episodes was also produced in 1983-1984 by Toei Animation, and features episodes supervised by Shingo Araki.


An American scientist constructs a laser satellite with hopes of preventing any nuclear conflicts from occurring. However, after a fatal error from both the US and the USSR governments, war breaks out and humanity faces a new bloodshed.


Retired samurai Kumosuke lives quietly, not to say idly, in Edo (old Tokyo) with his wife and two children, a young boy named Shinnosuke and an infant girl, Ohana. While he nominally runs a courier business to earn a living, he seems to spend most of his time smoking his pipe, drinking sake, and chasing women. The arrival of a Shinsengumi squad led by a young swordswman, Ichimonji Hyougo, disrupts this peaceful routine, forcing Kumosuke to defend himself.


Professor Senbei finds a videotape of his deceased father providing instructions on how to create a love potion. The main ingredient is a tear of the evil Gyaasuka Daimao who lives at the Wonder Island. To retrieve it, Senbei takes Arale and Gatchan on a wacky adventure.

Galaxy Cyclone Braiger is an anime series aired from 1981 to 1982 in Japan. There were 39 episodes aired. Other loosely translated names include "Braiger", "Bryger", "Brygar", "Galactic Whirlwind Bryger", "Galactic Cyclone Buraiger", "Cosmo Runner". It is the first series from the J9 Series.


A young queen requests a bouquet of snowdrop flowers for New Year's Day in exchange for a reward. One greedy woman sends her stepdaughter, whom she does not like, to look for the flowers in a cold forest, knowing the task will be impossible for her. The girl almost freezes to death in the forest, but she is rescued by the spirits of the Twelve Months, who create spring around her. The girl is able to deliver the bouquet to the queen, but others want a share of the reward.


The plot of Marine Express can be described in two parts. The first part focuses on the people boarding the train and the problems they encounter on it. The second part takes place after the train has stopped at its half-way point, an island that used to be home to an ancient civilization millennia ago and has its fair share of secrets.


Dog of Flanders is a 1975 Japanese animated television series adaptation of Maria Louise Ramé's novel of the same name, produced by Nippon Animation.


La Seine no Hoshi is an anime series by Sunrise, which premiered in Japan on Fuji TV from April 4, 1975 and finished its run on December 26, 1975, spanning a total of 39 episodes. The title translates to English as "Star of the Seine" or "The Seine's Stars." It is based on Alain Delon's 1963 movie La Tulipe noire. It was created by Mitsuru Kaneko, and was directed by Masaaki Ōsumi and Yoshiyuki Tomino. It was written by Sōji Yoshikawa, while the character designer was Akio Sugino. The music for the series was composed by Shunsuke Kikuchi.


Hurricane Polymar is a Japanese anime series produced by Tatsunoko Productions. The show was created by Tatsuo Yoshida, who had produced many of Tatsunoko's series. Other romanizations of the name include Hurricane Polymer, and Hariken Polymar. Hurricane Polymar is the secret identity of Takeshi Yoroi. He wears a special suit which enables him to fight crime. The suit is made of memory plastic which enables him to assume any shape, including morphing its wearer in 5 different vehicles. Onigawara, the director of the International Secret Police Agency, looked forward to making Takeshi a top-notch criminal investigator. Takeshi was given training, which turned him into an all-around sportsman as well as martial arts expert. However, Takeshi's attitude toward crime-fighting was so incompatible with Onigawara's, that he disowned him. For a while Takeshi investigated crime alone; then he became a private detective's assistant and general handyman. Secretly, however, Takeshi obtained from a scientist a new artificial polymer, polymet, that was far stronger than steel. With this polymet Takeshi transformed himself into Hurricane Polymar, an invincible costumed hero.


Norakuro is a black dog enlisted in the "Mokenrentai" (Fierce Dog Brigade), an Imperial army of dogs fighting in a war against the enemy Monkey Army. Norakuro is a stray black-and-white dog in an army of white dogs who blundered his way while being a Private Second-Class. This series was relatively faithful to the comics. One big change, however, was the addition of the army nurse Miko, whom Norakuro had a crush on. For this series, Norakuro was voiced by Nobuyo Ooyama, who would later become noted for voicing Doraemon. (Source: Cartoon Research)

Oddball Junior High Student Mankichi Togawa accompanied by the one eyed Ginji, sets out on a quest to become the number one gang leader in Japan.