Matija Vastl

A criminalist explores the background of a business in which the authorities, with the help of an influential corporation want to evict and demolish part of the city and build a new complex there. The film is about the will and power of the individual; the fight against institutions, the individual's engagement, and the decisions made behind the scenes.


Humans' biggest delusion is their illusion of freedom. Newborns have no choice, they are brought into this world regardless of their will, groomed as utterly powerless beings to submit to the social norms imposed by those in the position of power - But what if there is an alternative?

Two boys, their fathers and a dog in an unexpected, life-changing encounter in a forest on a Sunday morning. A short film about authorities, disappointments and the birth of a rebel.


Seventeen-year-old Iva is in the process of coming to terms with the death of her mother. Influenced by this deep personal loss and by the discovery that she didn't know everything about her mother, she slowly immerses herself into a strange, almost dreamlike world far from reality...


Young lawyer Rebeka is given a case involving the murder of a production designer, and the main suspect is her childhood friend Jana. What first seems like a very straightforward case gradually reveals the dark sides, mysterious depths and stray ways of human nature.


All she needs is love.

The lives of a wealthy married couple radically change in an instant. While the husband is in critical condition after an accident that occurred under strange circumstances, the wife tries to understand the situation and to salvage what she can… In this constricted, small-scale drama by a renowned Slovenian filmmaker, Pia Zemljič excels in the role of the resourceful wife.


Pianist Mojca is afraid to get into deeper relationship with her partner Tomaž due to her fear of pain. It takes place at a point where a long-standing relationship between the two needs a new step in either direction. And as in life, so in film, life takes an unexpected path and gives Mojca a series of experiences that help her move forward.

A painter named Vlado paints a portrait of an unknown woman. When the portrait "becomes alive" and the woman in the painting shows up at the artist's exhibition opening, Vlado's life is turned upside down. As Vlado becomes involved in a passionate affair with the mysterious woman, he does not even notice that he has fallen into the trap of Zom, a para-psychological organization which controls the actions of individuals by entering their thoughts, which is the meaning of "passing". A whirlwind of curious events and unexplained suicides takes him into a world where reality and fantasy are intertwined, a world created by a manipulative international corporation. In the world where relationships are just a means to an end and death is only an illusion, control and power are of ultimate value. Vlado realizes that he cannot trust anyone and even doubts his own sanity. However, it turns out that the naive artist is not such an easy target.


The destiny unites two homeless men in the S.O.S. canteen. A failed actor and lost poet begin telling each other the key events from their lives. After an extraordinary twist we become aware that the two men are popular and will participate in a film experiment on the Moon.


At night a city bus driver finds an abandoned baby near a stop. A divorced man comes to pick up his excited son for the weekend. A pretty doctor befriends a quadriplegic. Out of this unfolds a delicate story of human relationships, in which tough feelings of sympathy and guilt the protagonists are confronted with different ways of looking at events.


Embittered widower, Ludvik, spends his nights transporting illegal refugees in his van from Croatia, across Slovenia, and into Italy. The young and inexperienced Rudi acts as his helpmate. Together they become a well-trained duo who almost every night convey "spare parts" to Italy. Of course the story of their illegitimate exports into Europe ends tragically, for everyone. The whole idea of this account is that everyone - including ourselves - is looking for happiness: the "spare parts" because of the misery they are plunged into without, and our characters because they can't find it inside
