Matilde Muñoz Sampedro

The war in Europe is ending, but the American troops have to find a scientist on the run who is also chased by some surviving SS forces.


Paris 1900. Sharing a house in the Bohemian District are Roberto, a fledgling Musician, who is composing an Opera with his friend the poet Victor Duval; and the beautiful Cossette, daughter of a retired tenor, who goes up and down the stairs, taking advantage of Roberto's music to train her voice. The young bohemian musician does not know Cosette, but hears her sing daily. Instead, she's in love with Roberto and follows his steps as a composer.


During an uprising in the Belgian Congo, a convent of nuns are besieged and the Reverend Mother is killed and Sister Maria is raped. Returning to Belgium, Sister Maria finds out to her horror that she is pregnant. Rejected by her family and her sister, she is told by the Vatican that she is supposed to either give the baby to the church and still be a nun or keep the baby and leave the order. This film follows her decision.


We take six diverse people--an unhappy married couple with a younger wife, a scientist, an older eccentric lady who is voiced in a Fran Drescher manner, a heroic young man (George Martin), and a desirable young woman for him to be interested in--who choose to vacation at the estate of a Count who is engaged in odd scientific research, and watch them deal with the gradual sense of doom...and the gradually more aggressive killer plants developed by Cameron Mitchell. The film is well-paced, and it leads to an exciting climax. MANEATER OF HYDRA/ISLAND OF THE DOOMED must have looked great on a massive drive-in screen back in 1967--it's still worth seeing today for the fan of 60's Euro-horror and for fans of the great Cameron Mitchell.


Four stories about the arts of not getting married. Alfredo Landa performs the roles of a lawyer who has just finished his military service, a young marquis on his wedding day, a flirt and a soldier who deals with three girls at the same time.


Guadalupe is an orphan as a child by Eulalio host and Euphrasia, who incite to steal and commit crimes. She opposes and decides to leave the house to avoid it in the company of a goldfinch and his trusty cat. The girl comes to live independently but failures will accumulate, until he accidentally meets Baby, a lady of good family, and among them emerges a sincere friendship.


A woman is found murdered in her house the day after a party. The police begins the search for the killer asking questions to all the people that attended the party.


The star of a magazine company suffers an appendicitis attack during a shift and has to stay in a small Spanish town to be operated. But the doctor who takes care of his speech falls in love for her and tries to prolong their convalescence.


Mari Pepa, a beautiful laundress of Madrid, and Felipe, a carpenter, are in love but they are always quarreling over trifles. However, she must marry with the fence Don Leo to help his father, a drunk player who has committed a robbery and has determined the family jewels.


When Manolina saw a picture of Rodolfo, a South American poet, she falls in love for him. Three months after marriage by proxy, Rodolfo meets with her, which takes a major surprise to meet the twin brother of her husband.


A couple of friends, "Carmen" (Silvia Solar) and "Miguel"(Germán Cobos), fail to raise the money needed to marry. These difficulties encouraged the illusion of the boy, who wants a shot leaving for another country. The dreams of "Miguel" are approved and encouraged by "Don Pablo", (Pepe Isbert) musician of the Municipal Band and uncle of Carmen, in his years young was unable to reach them. On the other hand, Carmen lives with his aunt "Antonia" (Matilde Muñoz Sanpedro), which does not speak with his brother "Don Pablo", and whose sole ambition is to see married her niece, because in order to "maid" in the family there is enough with her. But with the arrival in Cádiz of the president of a south American country, everything is going to change course.


Claudio is a kind mand who works as cashier in a company for several years. Whe he finds closed the bank where he has to deposit a millon of pesetas, he decides to go to a friends party. Due to alcohol effects, he share out the money to the people who need it more.


Some bizarre figures (bullfighters and future fighters, athletes and boxers) get together in a park from Madrid to improve and rehearse their techniques.


In the resort of La Molina an international competition is held and ski racers from different countries come to Barcelona. They become friends, especially Nuria and Ramon, but Nuria already has a boyfriend


Mercedes Pavón, a famous singer of cuplés is harassed by three men totaly different.


Despite an ominous warning from his confirmed bachelor mentor (Vittorio De Sica, young Marcello (Walter Chiari) weds the girl of his dreams (María Luz Galicia), only to discover that matrimony can drive a man to murder. Directed by Giorgio Bianchi, this comic import became a lightning rod for controversy in 1958 when Italian censors banned the film due to its negative depiction of marriage.


Spanish comedy of the 50s, with carefree and youthful air.

A professor at the University of Frankfurt is mistaken for a Russian soccer player on his arrival at Madrid airport. There, he is received as a sports figure and the teacher, unaware of the confusion, take it as an extraordinary compliment. However, problems arise when, after discovering the error, the professor has to pretend to be the player until he appears


A small town in Spain, October 1955. Isabel, a 35-year-old dreamer who feels like a failure because she is not married yet, becomes the new target of a group of soulless pranksters.


Film based on the popular romance of the 'Molinero de Arcos'.


A couple having an affair strike a bicyclist with their car and do not offer aid out of fear of their relationship being exposed.


A Catholic priest lives in a communist country where all religious are being killed. When trying to escape is stopped by a commissioner who had been a fellow student.


A serene mind a person is in a coffee some of their experiences: the story of a poet who gives shelter, a nun who takes off to find a drug habits in the black market, and his own witness of a robbery and as a lover.


Ana Ruiz, a young actress who works in a traveling theater company, plays only minor roles, but she hopes to succeed and prefers the success to the love of Michael. When the company decides to release "Heaven is not far," Ana hopes to be the young protagonist, however, the paper turns to fall on the veteran Carmen. The businessman Charles Marquez offers Ana to be the star in the new play if she becomes his lover


Juan and Carmen are a humble couple living in Madrid. She does the housework and he works as an electrician in a film studio. Their dreams of wellness come true when they win a contest sponsored by a soap brand…


A news story in the newspapers announces the investigation by the police of a major scam. Precisely, following the steps of the author of that crime, we will know the cabaret where the whole action of this drama will take place. A place where the paths of a multitude of characters cross and where it is possible to find men and women of great humanity.

Two fairy godmothers struggle to make their godchildren not fight and love each other, but a third person intervenes and worsens the situation.

Nora leaves the convent where she has been raised to marry a relative. Just arrived she has an accident resulting in total amnesia. Her identity mistaken a new life begins for her, where she will encounter love, adventure and even crime.
