Matthew Stanton

The inventor of the world's greatest toy reflects on his obsession with a woman who hates him.


Next Corp nears the launch of its greatest product ever: a mind app that removes our need for sleep. But when the son of the CEO discovers horrifying side effects, he must choose whether or not to bring down the giant corporation that his father built.

An inventor accidentally lands his mother in jail for child pornography with a teenage sex tape he kept.


All JT wants is his freedom and a cigarette. But these are hard times: the steakhouse just fired him, his car broke down, he's broke. So when his buddies plan to rob the steakhouse - to steal the meat - it sounds like a good idea. What could go wrong?


Billy is a fetish photographer whose models begin to turn up dead. Michael, a melancholic cop, is tasked with investigating him.


Dave is a married man with two kids and a loving wife, and Mitch is a single man who is at the prime of his sexual life. One fateful night while Mitch and Dave are peeing in a fountain when lightning strikes, they switch bodies.


With his best friend brutally murdered and his hometown of Houston no longer safe, a young African-American man (Jerome Hawkins) hits the road. He ends up in a small town called Trublin, a bigoted backwater where the locals don't take kindly to people like him. Fortunately, he's befriended by a stranger, who takes him in and helps him adapt to this unwelcoming place.


A horror film told in three parts, from three perspectives, in which a mysterious transmission that turns people into killers invades every cell phone, radio, and television.


In the near future, gas prices are at an astronomical high. One man is determined to find an alternate fuel source. That alternate fuel source turns out to be blood...HUMAN BLOOD.


Multi-narrative adaptation of Richard v. Krafft-Ebing's notorious medico-forensic study of sexual perversity.
