Maud Buquet

Jean-Pierre, a wealthy businessman, is lonely. He still desires his wife but she only seems interested in shopping and the beauty salon. Tired of lunching alone every day, one day he decides to invite his chauffeur to join him, and a relationship quickly develops as the two find they have much in common. Are they just cash machines for their wives? Don't they deserve some love (i.e. sex) in return? Jean-Pierre confiscates his wife's credit card, but things don't turn out exactly the way he'd hoped...


A group of artists, composed of the young actors Wilfried and Matthieu and the actresses Sophie, Mathilde and the dumb Jeanne, is hired by a millionaire, Axel de Fersen, to present a performance of Little Red Riding Hood in his isolated castle to celebrate the birthday of his grandson. Meanwhile, the police advises that a serial killer is raping and killing young women in the woods around that area. During the night, the group feels trapped and threatened in the castle, guessing who is and where might be the killer.


a young and charming immigrant, is about to marry the daughter of the underworld boss he works for. The ceremony is ready, but at the last moment Ali decides not to show up, and flees from Hesse, his countryman hopelessly in love with him. The two young lovers hide in a hotel waiting for the sunset to be able to reach the airport and escape forever. With Ninni Bruschetta.
