Maureen Beck

For nearly three years, director Dina Khreino interviewed world-class mountain climbing athletes, listening to what compels them to leave behind families, friends, and everyday comforts to risk everything for a fleeting glimpse into the unknown. What she found was a tribe, a diverse group of professional adventurers and amateur philosophers forged by the ultimate test of body, mind, and spirit. In the face of shifting winds, sheer granite cliffs, and impossible odds, they climb. Each for their own reason, but every one connected by the vertical world. In this rarefied air, these athletes are fundamentally changed, not just as climbers, but as human beings.


“I don’t want to be known as just a one-armed climber,” says Maureen Beck. “I just want to be a good climber.” Beck may have been born missing her lower left arm, but she is not here to be your inspiration.

Reel Rock Tour 12 - 2017 - brings you four new nail-biting, hair-raising, and awe-inspiring stories of real rock climbers from around the world. Chris Sharma climbs cliffs solo over deep, churning ocean waters. Margo Hayes, at the age of 19, becomes the first female rock climber to complete a 5.15 route - the top of the difficulty scale. Brad Gobright, an up-and-coming climber, attempts reckless solo routes with a care-free attitude. Maureen Beck challenges herself while defying expectations others set for her and all adaptive climbers.


Theseus, Duke of Athens, is going to marry Hyppolyta, Queen of the Amazons. Demetrius is engaged with Hermia, but Hermia loves Lysander. Helena loves Demetrius. Oberon and Titania, of the kingdom of fairies have a slight quarrel about whether or not the boy Titania is raising will join Titania's band or Oberon's, so Oberon tries to get him from her by using some magic. But they're not alone in that forest. Lysander and Hermina have there a rendezvous, Helena and Demetrius are there, too as well as some actors, who are practicing a play for the ongoing wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta. Due to some misunderstandings by Puck, the whole thing becomes a little bit confused...
