Maureen Halligan

When a British secret agent's body washes up on the coast of Ireland, evidence implies that he was a traitor providing information to the Russians.


Based on Una Troy’s charming novel, We Are Seven (1955), She Didn’t Say No! depicts the Monaghan family, six children and their unmarried mother Bridget, living in the town of Doon, County Waterford. The children’s various fathers are local men – who uneasily attempt to find a way to rid the town of their embarrassment. The scheme begins with a court case to have the children removed from their “immoral” mother and ends with hopes of re-locating the family. The children are a central focus of the film – from the youngest, Toughy – a blustery boy and his acts of independence and bravado, to Poppy – a twelve year old star-struck girl, who cleverly manipulates herself into a locally-made film.
