Max Berliner

The inhabitants of San Hilario make their living from funerals. They are awaiting their first customer in a long time.


Leni takes Rafi to meet her family in Madrid. Leni's family is Jewish - mother, father, older sister and daughter, brother, and grandfather. Rafi is Palestinian, in Spain since age 12. Before her father returns from work, Leni reveals Rafi's origins. He accidentally drops a block of frozen soup out the flat window, probably killing a passerby. Leni initiates a cover-up and Rafi figures out the body is probably Leni's father. The body disappears and without telling the rest of the family what they know, Leni and Rafi organize a search for dad. Mom is sure he's having an affair. Leni's belly-dancing sister kisses Rafi. Her brother grabs a rifle to shoot the Arab. Can anything be put right?


An actor returns to Moisés Ville, the first Jewish colony installed in Argentina


Since childhood, Raquel and Maria have been close friends. Now all grown-up, Raquel has fulfilled her dream of becoming an actress, while Maria has married a handyman, given birth to three children and runs the family household. In the wake of the Argentine military coup of 1976, Maria's oldest son Carlos is abducted. Desperate, Maria turns to her prominent friend for help. Yet the more Raquel gets involved in the search for Carlos, the more she becomes herself a target of the junta. Finally, she flees from Argentina to Berlin. Meanwhile Maria joins a group of women who investigate the fate of their disappeared relatives. In 1983, after the fall of the dictatorship, the two friends meet again.


A merchant who is a good father has no scruples to earn money and engage in a business that harms the State.


When the new don discovers that sadistic mobsters were responsible for the death of his young son, he wreaks a deadly revenge.


a story about two mid class workers facing one of the worst economic crisis. One of them (Federico Luppi) is seduced by an incredible propose of work by one friend of him (Gianni Lunadei), named Arteche. Arteche offer a very good position on his own company, because he needs someone "he can trust". The other worker (Julio De Grazia) didn't believe on Arteche´s words so he try to "survive" alone.


Two ex-convicts are hired by the Devil to manage a small town cemetery.


Drifter finds a steady job, meets a woman, settles down.


An influential mob boss and a cabaret star team up to increase his power.

Tumberos tells the story of a famous upper-class lawyer, Ulises Parodi, unjustly imprisoned for the alleged murder of dancer Gisella Acosta, who with the passing of the chapters will adapt to the tumbero world of the Parque Patricios prison, becoming a rival to the leader of the prison wing, Guillermo Willy Marmotta. In turn, outside the jail, the lawyer Lorena Rodríguez must search for the real murderer and thus be able to prove Parodi's innocence.