May Wallace

A modest country doctor in the antebellum South has to contend with his daughter's upcoming marriage and an affectionate medicine show elephant.


A former college football hero and his college sweetheart get married. Marital turmoil ensues as her criminal law practice soars while he cannot get his career as an architect off the ground. They separate, and the man begins making extra money by singing in a nightclub. When he is unjustly accused of murder, it is up to his estranged wife to defend him in court.


G-Men in Washington break up a powerful spy ring and capture the ringleaders.


A habitual gambler comes to the aid of a desperate woman after her daughter inherits a fortune and is underhandedly taken by her estranged father.

Irvin takes the governor on a duck hunting trip in the hopes of securing a plumb job, but his annoying nephew has other plans.


A year prior to the first scene, Stan married Ollie's sister, and Ollie married Stan's sister in a double wedding. They all live together and Stan and Ollie work in the same office.


Comedy short with ZaSuPitts and Thelma Todd. After accidentally getting a policeman friend fired, the girls must come up with some way to get him re-hired or be stuck with him as an unwanted roommate.


In this The Boy Friends series short, college students Mickey and Alabam stay at a city friend's place for what they tell him will be one night - though it stretches into several months.


Frank Albertson's parents are worried about his seeing a showgirl instead of an "upstanding" young lady of class. But then Frank's father learns that the showgirl in question is the same one he himself has been flirting with. Eventually the whole family ends up at the nightclub, where the showgirl has a number of surprises in store for them.


Ollie is in the hospital with a broken leg. When Stan comes to visit him, total chaos ensues.


The gang tries to save Petey from the dogcatcher.


Tired of going to school, Breezy comes up with a plan to get himself expelled.


Lilyan Tashman as Jackie, the perpetually adolescent mother of two grown children - daughter Lee and son Jeff - who are in their early 20's. In spite of the fact that fourth husband Robert (Irving Prichel) is a good provider, good step-dad, and all-around good sport about Jackie's rather wild ways, Jackie is intent on divorcing him although she seems to bear the man no resentment. It just seems that her only reason is that it's time for a change, much like an impulse to buy a new hat. Both children are upset about her decision since they have great affection for Robert. However, daughter Lee has just arrived home from school and decides to accompany her mother to Reno to look after her. On the train west, Lee meets a young mining engineer, Tom (Charles Buddy Rogers), who is headed to a job interview in California. The two hit it off and a romance buds.


Miss Crabtree, the teacher Jackie has a crush on, rents a room at Jackie's house.


A woman who is a member of a gang of con artists impersonates the mother of a wealthy blind man.


Widow Martha and widower Brandon plan to marry; their teenaged children do their slapstick best to interfere. One of "The Boy Friends" series.


The gang is out for a drive on a Sunday afternoon. When it starts to rain, they take shelter in an abandoned building. Unbeknownst to them, it is actually a gangster's hideout.


Harry must pose as a woman to help the women he works for get a marriage proposal.


On the way to his wedding the bride groom finds a nude, married woman in his car


One of a handful of currently unavailable Hal Roach/MGM “Our Gang” silent films, School Begins was a series of gags built around the unenviable ritual of returning to school during the first week of September.


For his birthday, Charley gets a cigarette lighter, but it won't light. He works on it with ill-suited tools amidst his family all giving advice. Finally, he unwisely fuels it with gasoline, which gets it lit, but soon, so is his house.

A con artist and a midget dressed as her infant son, are unmasked aboard a ship by a steward (Laurel.)


Titus Tillsbury is a successful businessman who is visited by a blackmailing old flame. He enlists a friend (Stan) to keep her away from his home and wife. This film was later remade almost scene for scene as the three-reel talkie Chickens Come Home (1931).


Defying her father's wishes, a young woman runs off to a sale at store. She's pursued by a policeman, but wins him over with the help of a friendly millionaire. In the mean time, her father tries to retrieve a compromising letter.


Harold Lamb is so excited about going to college that he has been working to earn spending money, practicing college yells, and learning a special way of introducing himself that he saw in a movie. When he arrives at Tate University, he soon becomes the target of practical jokes and ridicule. With the help of his one real friend Peggy, he resolves to make every possible effort to become popular.


This silent Western features Tom Mix as a rancher who goes to Washington to affect better conditions for the anonymous man of the soil. Having lost his money to some scheming lobbyists, Mix, unaware that oil has been found on his property, stakes his possessions on wonder horse Tony winning the big race.

Infamous Singapore smuggler Bully Brand possess a beautiful pearl necklace that is desired by Chinese merchant Chan Chang for his daughter Pain, a young white girl he had adopted. Warren Bradford, Brand's ward, returns from college and falls in love with Chang's daughter.

Set in the stone age, King Low-Brow rules the land and a harem of wives. When Charlie arrives in this land (where every man has one thousand wives), he falls in love with the King's favorite wife. When the King falls over a cliff, he is presumed dead and Charlie crowns himself King. The King, however, is not dead and comes back and bashes Charlie over the head with a rock. It turns out it was a dream and a police man bashed Charlie over the head with his club because he was sleeping in the park.


A young woman borrows money from her boss for her wedding dress. After the marriage he asks to be repaid, and she--not liking to ask her husband for money--writes a check on her husband's account. When he discovers that his wife has written a check to another man and not told him, complications ensue.
