Mehdi Sabbaghzadeh

A famous journalist who was out of job for a few years after being arrested, is living with his only daughter in Iran . She is also a journalist. Death of a writer returns an old love from abroad, making him write again .This time about the economy and its mafia .His daughter also tries to write about politics .But both become victims...


A famous journalist who was out of job for a few years after being arrested, is living with his only daughter in Iran . She is also a journalist. Death of a writer returns an old love from ...


In 1916, Colonel Kit comes to Balochestan with excuse of creating telegraph lines. Eydokhan, unaware of his plans, welcomes him, but G. Ant and Molla Ali who are aware of his deception began to fight him.


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A grieving woman dealing with the loss of her son seeks therapy to move on

Between the years 1941-51, many immigrants went to the south of Iran to work for the oil companies there. A couple, Tal'at and Karamat also go there in hope of a better life. But Tal'at, who is pregnant, catches leperosy and they have to remain outside the city. The husband makes a tea-house and they stay there. An immigrant girl Manzar who had lost her parents, come to the tea-house and lives by them too.


Ahmadi is tasked with returning the hawks that have been confiscated from smugglers.

Directed by Mehdi Sabbaghzadeh.
