Mehmet Aykaç

To an outsider, Neslihan leads a perfect life. But one day, her delusions of grandeur finally come crashing when she finds out the love of her life, her husband, has been cheating on her for quite some time. That too, with Damla of all people, who was like a sister to her. Not wanting to give up, she decides to fight for herself, her family, and her children.


"Eylül" is a 16 year old girl sexual harassment by her stepfather , and her mother did not believe her and she went with "Eylül" to the orphanage , and left her daughter there. Then Eylül become friends with the girls in the orphanage and every girl have a own story. The girls trying to divorce Eylül's mother and her husband many times. "Feride" is an assistent in the orphanage who is always helping the girls when they need her.
