Mei Nagano

Sayaka, a high school student, kills herself but the reason behind her suicide is unknown. She appeared to have led a normal life with her family. Her mother Rumiko seemed to have raised Sayaka with love and care. In reality, that does not seem to be the case. When the mother and daughter recall the same incidents that took place in the past, they tell very different stories.

Narukawa Sana is a young CEO who founded the startup "Dream Pony" that deals with educational apps when she was 23. Although reckless, Narukawa has a goal and that is to make "Dream Pony" into a unicorn company and that its business is available to everyone all over the world within 10 years. The company did well when it was first launched but Narukawa became frustrated as there hasn't been any huge growth. Narukawa dedicates her time mostly on her work and has been neglecting her private life and romance. One day, a middle-aged salaryman Kotori Satoshi decides to change his job and starts working at "Dream Pony". At first, Narukawa is not fond of Kotori but the two become closer as Kotori helps Narukawa by giving advices based on his experiences. Meanwhile, Narukawa's co-founder Suzaki Ko has been in love with Narukawa but he is unable to suppress his feelings after the arrival of Kotori. The team now gets caught in a triangle between work and love.


Naoko Tanaka (Mei Nagano) is a 26-year-old OL. Her job is typical, but her workplace has fierce fights among different cliques. Other OL's are absorbed in the daily clique fighting. One day, due to an OL at the company, Naoko Tanaka’s company is targeted by OL from all over Japan.

Yuko Morimiya is a high school student and she lives with her stepfather Morimiya. Morimiya is her third father. Her mother, Rika, is a free spirited person and has remarried several times. She disappeared from Yuko's life at a certain point. Even though Yuko and her stepfather are not blood related, she is fully loved by her him.

20-year-old rookie police officer Kawai Mai works hard at a police box and feels both physically and mentally drained. She has never felt appreciated even though she supposedly works for the sake of the area’s residents. In addition, she does not find working at a police box rewarding. Mai is about to hand in her resignation when she meets 30-year-old Fuji Seiko, the former ace detective of the Criminal Investigations Division. Seiko is said to have been forced to transfer to the police box for harassing a subordinate at work but … … This encounter between Mai and Seiko will significantly change their lives as they are suddenly paired up. This odd pair struggle to help and support each other in cases, routine duties and romance?! And Seiko’s true reason for coming to the police box is revealed.

On-call substitute doctor Shugo suddenly finds himself faced with a terrifying criminal in a clown mask. The assailant demands that Shugo treat injured high school student Hitomi. The perpetrator sets siege to the building and Shugo finds himself confined with 64 unknown patients.


Takuya Okada (Takumi Kitamura) is a high school student. He visits his classmate Mamizu Watarase (Mei Nagano) in the hospital. Mamizu Watarase suffers from the mysterious ailment “Luminescence disease.” People who have the disease show a faint sparkle under the moonlight and the sparkle gets brighter as their death gets closer. Mamizu Watarase is not allowed out of the hospital and she will not live long enough to become an adult. Takuya Okada offers to help her carry out her wishes before she passes away. He also tells her how he feels about her, but Mamizu Watarase’s death is approaching. --asianwiki


High schooler Yuu and his friend Haru get involved in a case involving his childhood friend Kotona, which forces them to go back and forth between another world that is different but is somewhat similar to their world, Ni no Kuni. The real world and Ni no Kuni, when Kotona's life is in danger, what's the ultimate choice the three of them have to make in Ni no Kuni?


With graduation 10 days away, homeroom teacher Hiiragi gathered all 29 students of class 3-A and proclaims them his hostages. His last lesson regards the death of a student that passed away a few months before. Nobody will be able to graduate until the truth is known.


Suzume is a girl born to a family running a small restaurant in Gifu Prefecture. She loses her hearing in one ear from a disease. Encouraged by her loving parents and childhood friend, she lives through an eventful life with a tenacious spirit. "Half, Blue" is NHK's 98th asadora.


Jun is a university student. She meets high school student Haru. To Jun, Haru looks just like Sachiko who was the girlfriend of her now deceased father. Jun and Haru meet Tokio. Tokio is the grandson of Sachiko and they learn that Sachiko is now deceased. They find an open-reel tape from Sachiko's articles.


Fifteen-year-old country girl Suzume Yosano has to move to Tokyo to live with her uncle due to her father's transfer. She bumps into a mysterious man who ends up taking her to her uncle's place after she gets lost. Turns out, Suzume will be seeing him a lot more often once she starts school because... he's her homeroom teacher?!


Teiichi Akaba is a student at a prestigious private male high school known for producing important politicians and bureaucrats. His dream is to become the prime minster and make his own country. To help achieve his dream, he wants to become elected as his school's student council president. The elected student president receives privileges and a better chance for promotions later in the political & bureaucrat world. A power struggle takes place surrounding the student election.


To get revenge on her ex-boyfriend and to help revive her late mother's tennis table club, a table tennis prodigy decides to take part in a mixed doubles table tennis tournament.


It's not easy being beautiful. The envy, the jealousy, the vicious rumors spread by your best friend. That's life for young Momo. While everyone thinks that Momo is a wild party girl, the reality is that she is shy and lonely. Can Momo confess her love to her classmate, Toji, or will her best friend Sae steal him away. It's a bittersweet drama of growing up and fitting in that will charm readers everywhere.


Tobio Masubuchi and his friends are ordinary high school students. Due to an incident, their peaceful days are about to change. Tobio’s friends are beaten by students from another high school in their neighborhood. Tobio and his friends scheme to get back the students from the other school. The day they are to carry out their plan, they see the other high school engulfed in flames. Tobio and his friends become suspects.


Yoshioka Yuiko begins the first grade in high school. She gets sick with the cold and stays in bed. At that time, she gets a phone call from class president Matsubara. Yuiko becomes flattered by his kind voice on the phone. The next day, she goes to school and meets Matsubara. He is a mysterious boy, wearing a paper bag over his head. Her high school days begin with pounding heart.


Follows the story of love, friendship and growth of six young men and women who move from countryside to the big city of Tokyo, each with their own dreams and aspirations. Among them is Sugihara Oto and Soda Ren. After her mother died, Oto was raised by adoptive parents in Hokkaido. Although she has given up on having any high hopes or big dreams for her future, she still remains positive and faces life with optimistic attitude. One day, she finds out the fact that her adoptive parents are planning to marry her to the wealthy man in town in order to solve their financial debt. Soda Ren was raised by his grandfather in Fukushima. Ren works hard on one job after another in order to earn the money to buy back his grandfather's land so that they can start farming again. By chance, Oto and Ren meet in Hokkaido and they decide to move to Tokyo to find new life to change their fate and future. However, as soon as they arrive Tokyo, they get separated in the crowds...


Takeo Goda (Ryohei Suzuki) is a high school student 2 m tall and weighting more than 100 kg. He has a righteous character. The male students adore him, but female students do not like him. All of the girls Takeo likes prefer his handsome friend Makoto Sunakawa (Kentaro Sakaguchi). One day, Takeo saves female high school student Rinko Yamato (Mei Nagano) from a pervert on train. Takeo falls in love with her at first sight. He feels Rinko likes Makoto, but Makoto isn't the one she likes. Takeo struggles to liaise between Rinko and Makoto.


Kazuko Yamase is a 23-year-old, broken-hearted freeter. One day, she sees a knitted teddy bear that really appeals to her. She decides to buy it. Later, the knitted teddy bear suddenly speaks! Within the teddy bear, Yasuo Amano's spirit lives. He is the person who knitted the teddy bear and he was also detective. Kazuko then becomes involved in a case with Yasuo and helps to solve the case.


After failing to enroll at night school, Hayato has somehow found a new job as a bouncer. During the day, he is confronted by a middle schooler who tells him off when he tries to leave a cigarette butt on the ground. He brushes her off, only for her to run into Yocchan while he was begging for donation money the next day. She is unaware of the fact that it's a scam, and wants to help him.


Former legendary assassin Kenshin Himura has now become a wandering samurai. Offering aid & protecting those in need as atonement for his past deeds. During this time Kenshin Himura comes across and aides Kaoru Kamiya (Emi Takei). Her father opened the Kamiya Kasshin-ryu, a kendo school located in Tokyo and Kaoru is now an instructor there. Kaoru then invites Kenshin to stay at her dojo. Their relationship develops further, but Kenshin is still haunted by his violent past...


Zebra City 2025 – music echoing across what used to be Tokyo from Zebra Queen marks the start of Zebra Time, a 5 minute window twice a day when the city population is free to commit any crime and the Vengeful Zebra Mini-Skirt Police and masked Zebra Police can shoot civilians at will. Zebraman wakes in the street, unable to remember the last 15 years, or his superhero past. He must rely on a band Zebra Time survivors, a man who played him in a TV show version of Zebraman and a mysterious silent girl to battle this Zebra obsession that is splitting the city in to absolutes of black and white.


The story starts in the devastated rogue city of Yokohama, surrounded by rubble. After Milly killed Jack, the main villain from the first movie, and finally satisfied her thirst for revenge for the deaths of her husband and child, she seems to be on safe ground for the moment. But just as she starts to relax, she is targeted by strange guys. They are here to avenge Jack's death.


The story centers on a man (Suda Masaki) who loves movies, work at movie studio in pursuit of his dreams, surrounded by great directors and star actors. He and his friend fall in love with the daughter or cafeteria played by Nagano Mei.

The home of the wealthy Mitarai family, which has run a hospital for generations, was burned to the ground in an unfortunate fire. Thirteen years later, housekeeper Anzu Murata heads to the home of her new client, the Mitarais. There, she is greeted by the beautiful and impeccable second wife of Mrs. Mitarai, Makiko. Anzu is hired and begins working at the house, but she has a certain purpose for infiltrating the Mitarai home…

Tomoyo Shiino is an OL. One day, she watches the news on TV and learns that her friend Mariko Ikagawa killed herself. They graduated from the same high school and Tomoyo Shiino knows that Mariko Ikagawa was abused by her father for a long time. To save Mariko Ikagawa’s soul, she steals her remains from Mariko Ikagawa’s family. While recalling memories with Mariko Ikagawa, she goes on a trip with her remains. She is heading to...