Melissa Anschutz

Gil Giles is a former small track racer, whose dreams of the big time came crashing down one night at the track. Now, Gil spends his days drinking and hustling anything he can flip for cash with dreams of making a comeback one day.

A lifetime ago in a sleepy Michigan lake town, Hannah Howard (Melissa Anschutz) experienced something otherworldly. For years the event was pushed to the corners of her mind, seemingly forgotten until a trip home starts unlocking her past memories. Can her advice-giving, hippy-mother (Victoria Jackson) or the small town preacher (Don Most) or her newly discovered, bigfoot-hunting brother (Josh 'Ponceman' Perry) help her make sense of it all? To add to the growing mystery, the strange events have started again upon Hannah's return. Strange lights appearing in the sky over a place locals call the Devil's Crossroads.

Takes place at the Passover and the days that follow the crucifixion. A mix of scripture and Christian legend woven to try and create a more complete picture. It follows Longinus as the Roman soldier who put the spear to Jesus on the cross.


Life in 1800's Michigan, focusing on a Civil War vet trying to make peace with his losses and start a new life despite the world resisting change around him.


Examines the pre-ministry life of Jesus starting with his baptism with John the Baptist. From there Jesus embarks on his self- exploration journey into the wilderness for 40 nights. He is tempted by the Devil thrice in various forms.


Based on the true events revolving around Beaver Island, Michigan, and King James Strang


An "Urban American Graffiti" tale of choices, consequences, redemption and faith all woven into a gritty framework of tested relationships.


Laura Brummels is determined to avenge the death of a young boy - a death she could have prevented, but didn't. It's placed her in a prison of guilt driven by her cooperation as a reporter with a political regime that's successfully corrupted her. Fallen from grace with the regime, Laura is sentenced to Aquila, where no one escapes and an annual monsoon floods the prison, eliminating everyone. And she discovers her chance to clear her conscience: One of the notorious guards is the young boy's killer. This is her chance to avenge the boy's death and relieve her guilt. But there's a surprise for her in the large cell where she's placed: another prisoner, Joseph, has survived the last flood and has been working to escape from Aquila before the next flood comes. He's devised a clever means of removing stones from the prison ceiling, but he can't do it alone. To succeed he must convince his new cell mate to abandon murder and choose to survive with him and escape.
