Melissa Bartolini

Tommaso has just left his first wife but he will meet a new person who will change everything in his life.


With humor and wit, Crushed Lives – Sex or Kids? takes on the probing but taboo question: what happens to our sex lives after children? New father Saverio films a documentary to get to the bottom of this matter after an uninspired sex session with his wife. Interviewing couples at various stages of parenthood, Saverio unearths the fear and anxieties that seem to universally plague his peers as they collectively experience the quiet devastation of a dying bedroom. Honing in on this seldom fully explored theme of adulthood, director Alessandro Colizzi brings us on a sincere and funny journey into life encumbered by children and the fainting sexual imagination that seems to go with it. - Vivian Yuen


Five friends on the verge of adulthood are forced to face their hopeless future.


The King of Games - when a car accident results in death, the uncles suspect fowl play and want to investigate. Massimo is asked by the detective covering the case to keep a watch on the uncles and prevent them from interfering in the investigation.Tiziana, Massimo's server, is having second thoughts about her upcoming marriage. Massimo figues it out and shares his theory with the Detective.
