Menna Shalabi

The Crime is Egyptian Film

Zeko, the only child from a dysfunctional family, has won a chance to compete in a contest for smartest kid in the country. Filled with hope, whole family sets out on a two day road trip.

After being fooled by her husband into leaving Egypt, Rouh finds herself at an ISIS den in Syria, whereupon she tries to escape but ends up at a camp for female ISIS fugitives, while her return to Egypt becomes a distant dream.

The story follows a girl who lives in an impoverished neighborhood, who meets a young man and they run into many adventures and paradoxes.

The series revolves around the issue of adoption, where the life of ophthalmologist Nada (Mena Shalaby) is turned upside down when she is given the responsibility to save the life of a baby girl and faces many difficulties in addition to her relationship with the girl herself.

Separate connected episodes featuring different stories about relationships and the concept of romance in modern society in 6 different Arab cities including Riyadh, Jeddah, Cairo, El Gouna, Beirut and Dubai.

Hoping to leave her past behind and start anew, Laila strikes a deal that prompts her to marry and live with Emad, a mentally-challenged man. However, their life together gets complicated when henious crimes take place at their living place each Friday.

After mysterious events, Leila is forced to live with Emad a mentally challenged man in his house where a series of crimes take place every Friday.


The story revolves around a grandfather who stole a rare masterpiece belonging to the late singer (Umm Kulthum) in his youth, but after years passes, he finds himself chased by those who want to have this piece, which makes him resort to the help of his only grandson.


The film is a romantic drama about an unconventional dinner between a man and a woman, revealing their past and changing their future into an exciting conversation that leaves them with an unexpected choice.


Taha works as a pharmacist and lives a normal life with his disabled father. When a mysterious murder occurs, Taha's world changes forever. He starts tracking down many secrets that leads him to unlocks a whole melancholic world of crime!


Samir is the head of a small family and a bank employee and stable in his work, but separated after the decision to reduce the employment and then surprise that his bank balance zero and after days find a box with a mobile phone to meet a call changed his life by recruiting him to spy on people through an organization called The Originals.


You don’t need politics to make a political film… Love, pleasure, beauty and food are serious enough.


Nawara works as a housemaid for a family closely linked to the Mubarak regime. On the eve of the 2011 revolution the family decides, for safety, to leave the country temporarily and ask her to look after the villa. Flush with cash for expenses, Nawara calls her fiancé Mustafa and the two are soon enjoying a taste of life at the top. Her journey from the alleys of her poor neighborhood to the luxury compound brings with it the worries of the people and their simple dreams—and an experience she could never have imagined.


Disliked for his stinginess, Samir finds his life turned upside down when he receives a windfall and launches a television channel.


The show revolves around a group of friends who have remained very close since their school days. Though life has taken them down different paths, when they're brought back together, new confrontations and secrets arise, and a series of very surprising events unfold.

Once a member of one of the notorious armed groups that were coerced by the Egyptian Government to carry out violent attacks on protestors in Tahir Square on February 2nd 2011, Mahmoud has since lost his job, been subjected to beatings and humiliating treatment, and been ostracized by his own community that live close to the Pyramids. Mahmoud is close to despair when he meets Reem, a divorcee and modern-thinker who works in advertising. Reem is a fervent ecologist who first comes to Mahmoud’s rundown neighbourhood to care for the camels and horses that have been left to fend for themselves. Their encounter develops into a love story that will radically change the course of their lives forever.


The film belongs to the Romantic Comedy and reflects the personality of the man which is half Egyptian and half African-called "Bashir" and spoke relationship between him and "Pippo" embodied by Menna Shalaby, where circumstances compelled him to live with her

Single coworkers at a radio station are brought together by mutual friends, but their starry-eyed notions about love may scuttle their romance.


Upon his return to Alexandria, Khaled becomes intrigued with a graffiti mural opposite his apartment. As he pursues this further, a larger underground arts scene slowly reveals itself, composed of musicians, filmmakers, and graffiti artists. As they struggle to get their voices heard, Khaled is compelled to help them acquire some much deserved visibility.


The role of the movie is about two friends, one travels to a European country And The Other One combat To blind girl falls in love and when return to Egypt together they discover the same girl that he loves his friend and she traveled to this country to search for a way modern medical help to restore its consideration.


The series revolves around an attempt to recruit a girl named Samia Fahmy (Mena Shalaby) for the Israeli intelligence, but the opposite happens, she informs the Egyptian intelligence and decides to cooperate with them.

Hassan, a brilliant aviation engineer struggles with loneliness and depression while trying to design his exceptional project.


Choubra, cosmopolitan neighborhood of Cairo. Hatem, maggoty police officer, handles this neighborhood with an iron hand. Every single citizen fears and hates him. Only Nour, a young woman he lusts after, dares stand up to him. But Nour is secretly in love with Cherif, brilliant and uncorrupted deputy public prosecutor. Green with envy, Hatem comes between. He wants Nour for himself. He whipsaws her and turns her life into a nightmare. The story of a frustrated love like Choubra experiences some since the mists of time.


A comedy about a triplet brothers but with only one birth certificate.


The film revolves around a young man, who lives with his uncle after the death of his father. He is a reckless young man who relies on the money of his billionaire uncle, until his uncle decides to leave him to rely on himself, causing him problems in many comedy situations


Mahmoud is a simple young man, who is barely making ends meet working as security guard at a parking garage. Little did he know that doing the right thing upon witnessing a murder would drastically change his whole life.

Two strangers try to solve a mystery that revolves around both of their tragic pasts. At the heart of the mystery lies a mystic board with an ability to kill.


The film revolves about combining Omar "Ahmed El Sakka" and Alia "Mona Zaki" where omar decides to marry Alia, but he discovers that her sister Fatima "Ghada Abdel Razek" working in an infamous bar , so he hesitate in the marriage and decides to stay away from them in hope to search for a new sweetheart that is appropriate to the community, and already marry Qismat the "Bushra" in a traditional a marriage, while "Alia" marries her neighbor, her lover since childhood, but soon of boredom lurks for each of Omar and Alia because of failing to forget the old love, and live a new romance with the His Boss in his office, "Menna Shalabi," and then marry her secretly while Alia obsessed with her memories with him. And therefore reflected the film about love and passion of what title Nspbh to others of their love us, through that love us and saved us sometimes Ngerham.


A young girl seeks help in a stranger to convince her strict father she got married in secret so as not to be forced into and arranged marriage


Mustafa Al-Helaly is a university professor and head of the 'Virtue Party', who decides to run for parliament, but his life turns upside down after the retired dancer Sou'ad claims that he's the father of her reckless young daughter Nancy as a result of a one-night stand that happened 20 years ago.

The film revolves around a young man named "Abu Arabi" who works in commerce, but does not succeed. However, he wants to marry a girl called "Mahja", but her father refuses because he wants to marry his daughter to a clothing vendor.


Hanan has been unhappy due to the passing of her father, while her husband Sharif has been eyeing Ghada, the young daughter of his driver. They are friends with a married couple, Ahmed and Mona, but Mona has been chatting online with her ex-boyfriend. All of their lives change when Sharif's driver finds out that Ghada as run away from home to be with Sharif and Ahmed finds out what Mona has been doing online.


Story of two working girls and their adventures in the city.


group of friends helping their friend to start her project in sharm el sheikh

A child who loves the cinema struggles with a fanatic dad who finds everything (including cinema) a sin, and a mother who is sexually repressed.


The film tells story about two childhood friends when their lives turn up side down by a businessman who wants to hire them to do things for him but they find out that he is one of their old friend took a different road in his life.


Ahla el-Awqat (The Best of Times) tells the story of a successful middle-aged woman (Salma, played by Hanan Tork) who is left to live with her step father after a not-so-tragic accident that claims the life of her mother. Salma goes on a quest to find out the identity of the sender of mystery letters and packages. One letter includes a picture of her and her two best friends from school (played by the Hend Sabry and Menna Shalaby), whom she has not seen for 14 years. Reunited, the girls embark on the quest of finding the identity of the sender.


(Sayed) works as a hairdresser, and lives in the Shubra neighborhood with a friend of his age (Atef), and each feels that the age has been provided without marrying, decides (Sayed) to address his love (Aida), while finding (Atef) in (Mary) The girl of his dreams. After both of them failed in previous sermons, Khatib found an apartment in Shubra at an appropriate price. At the same time, Sayed and his fiancée agreed with the owner of the same apartment to buy it without knowing the agreement between Atef and the apartment owner. What would happen to the two speeches? Two friends?

"Houda" and "Jafar" friends since childhood, not separated only by death, led by the circumstances of life and developments to professionalize the monument, they form a quorum of the first degree .. And because of their proficiency in defrauding the innocent .. Decides "Naseem" Pasha known businessman In addition to his secretary, Lula, who has the first credit for facilitating his suspicious work, the two friends decide to exploit what they know about Naseem and bargain for it, to start the conflict between them and him.

Bahgat Mansour is an old poor magician that lives a bad life and tries to get a better one by reaching to the rich people. what happens to him and his daughter-that he keeps indoor- then?


The 5th story of 8 love stories. Love might occur at the right time with the right person or at the wrong time with the right person, or both together. It might keep waiting, or not occur at all… Perhaps twice in a lifetime