Mia Frye

Lee Blanchard and Bucky Bleichert are former boxers-turned-cops in 1940s Los Angeles and, when an aspiring young actress turns up dead, Blanchard and Bleichert must grapple with corruption, narcissism, stag films and family madness as they pursue the killer.


Elle a une passion: la danse. Une ambition: danser a Broadway. Un handicap: elle est muette. Le samedi soir, dans une boite new-yorkaise, elle affronte les plus grands DJ et, quelle que soit la musique, techno, funk, jazz ou soul, elle garde le tempo et met le public a genoux. Un soir, dans la foule, un jeune scientifique la decouvre, fascine. Avec elle, il inventera un systeme qui lui permettra de danser, de s'exprimer et d'aimer...


In 2257, a taxi driver is unintentionally given the task of saving a young girl who is part of the key that will ensure the survival of humanity.


A beautiful felon, sentenced to life in prison for the murder of a policeman, is given a second chance - as a secret political assassin controlled by the government.
