Micah Nelson

Two siblings are whisked away by an intelligent fairy to become part of a real life game they must complete before coming back to the real world.


In the video John Hanlon, producer/recording engineer says: "Neil just captures the moment, he gives it his all, he goes for the throat. If he is not feeling it, he ain't gonna pick up the guitar. If he's feeling music, then he is recording, he's playing and I am recording it because that's what art is, capturing the movement, all the human imperfections, that is what it is about always. He is the commensurate artist, we get first takes on everything, that's the idea, cuz that's often times the best stuff. If you have to think about it that's not creating, that's thinking, then it doesn't work, it doesn't have that passion."

Palo Alto weaves together three stories of teenage lust, boredom, and self-destruction: shy, sensitive April, torn between an illicit flirtation with her soccer coach and an unrequited crush on sweet stoner Teddy; Emily, who offers sexual favors to any boy to cross her path; and the increasingly dangerous exploits of Teddy and his best friend Fred, whose behavior may or may not be sociopathic.


A mind-bending thriller set in Portland, Oregon about an unspoken tragedy and its effects on a house, its temporary caretakers and the owners, a classical music critic and his wife on a recuperative trip to Italy.
