Michael Anthony

A wretched piece about a promiscuous woman, Darcy, who has affairs with every man she meets, including her daughter's boy friend. She is terrorized by a motel parking attendant, Grapes, who chases her and one of her lovers on his motorcycle. The lover is killed but Darcy lives. Grapes and his psychotic friend, Anthony, continue harassing Darcy and her daughter, Hart. The two women are attacked but the police arrive and kill Grapes and Anthony.


Wesley goes on a killing spree while experiencing the nightmares of his brother who was killed thirteen years earlier.


In WW2, a RAF squadron leader mourns the death of a comrade and receives a bombing mission against a secret Nazi V-2 rocket testing facility in France.


English General Charles George Gordon is appointed military governor of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan by the Prime Minister. Ordered to evacuate Egyptians from the Sudan, Gordon stays on to protect the people of Khartoum, who are under threat of being conquered by a Muslim army.
